In Houston, Texas alleged cop killing case: Free Shannon Miles! Put the State on Trial!
AAPDEP working hard to build Zenzele Consignment: Opening pushed back to March 2016
ANWO forum discusses solution to State violence against African women
Colonialism Trumps Fascism in U.S. elections
The electoral process in the U.S. and other bourgeois countries is simply a nonviolent contest for control of the State by contending sectors of the white ruling class.
Oakland Uhuru Movement on the move again!
Same sex marriage reinforces white rights and prosperity at our expense
Baltimore: A righteous struggle against white power in black face – neocolonialism!
Get Focused! The demand of the movement at this time must be “Black Community Control of the Police”
Hundreds of demonstrations continue to sweep the U.S. since the police murder of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014. These demonstrations, punctuated by acts of civil disobedience of varying degrees of disruptive power, have escalated since the St. Louis grand jury refused to indict Darren Wilson, the police murderer of the 18-year-old Brown.
U.S. elections: A deadly fraud perpetrated against the people – especially Africans!
WASHINGTON, DC—The African People’s Socialist Party said it in 1984 and it’s still true today. “No Confidence in the U.S. Government - Democratic or Republican, Male or Female, Black or White! All Power to the People! Black Power to the Black Community!” and “The People Must Win Power With Our Own Hands: Neither Jesse Jackson Nor The Democratic Party Can Bring Power to the Black Working Class” - from The Burning Spear Newspaper, August 1984.