
Build Project Black Ankh! Build African self-reliance and independence!

The last time I went to see a doctor, I almost walked out right in the middle of my appointment. My primary care doctor...

Hands Off the People’s Market: Philly’s One Africa! One Nation! Marketplace celebrates 20 years with Uhuru Health Festival

PHILADELPHIA—Despite the nervousness the rainy conditions caused, vendors and Northern Region Party organizers came together on April 20th to celebrate and host the Uhuru...

Project Black Ankh sponsors life saving CPR training for the African community

Project Black Ankh is committed to teaching life-saving skills to underserved communities—our communities—where there is distress and difficulty in finding appropriate first responders arriving...

African women, get fit for the fight!

As we step into the new year, it is a great time for African women to prioritize our health and well-being by making conscious...

Uhuru Health Festival and Market: a staple of African self-determination

PHILADELPHIA—On the sunny April 22 day at the pollen-overrun Clark Park, African business owners and health groups came out to vend and partake in...

Build a Project Black Ankh Community Response Team

Colonialism, the colonial mode of production, destroys everything: human beings, trees, wildlife, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Every day we can...

Halloween Festival wraps up the Farmers Market season

On Saturday, October 30, the One Africa! One Nation! Farmers Market in North St. Louis held its final market of the season, a Halloween...

Africans stand united with the Cuban government and people

The All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) recently held a live webinar on Facebook titled “Africans United With Cuba: Confronting COVID-19 and the U.S. Blockade” with...

Cheers to the new year 2021: the period of the ascendancy of the slave!

We are taking this opportunity to have a collection summation as African people. To understand where we are as the African Nation, almost 2 billion strong, and to unite with and participate in the process of moving us forward toward total liberation.
