United Nations Permanent Forum reveals influence of Uhuru Movement, weakened U.S. hegemony
Over 130,000 people sign petition to charge U.S. government with genocide—they erased it!
Free the prisoners; jail the property thieves
We demand the immediate release of all Black people imprisoned at the Justice Center and reparations must be paid to them and their families as restitution for these attacks on the African community.
A Call to Stop the Colonial Killers! Black Power now!
The only real solution to these countless, repulsive police murders is to rid our communities of these vile colonial killers and replace our streets with Black Power!
100 Years Later, It’s Still Red, Black and Green
In the midst of the revolutionary thrust of the African working class following the public murder of George Floyd on May 25, InPDUM celebrated the legacy of Marcus Garvey and his Universal Negro Improvement Association. InPDUM boldly declares themselves 21st century Garveyites.
Colonialism killed Rayshard Brooks
A video of the murder of Rayshard Brooks went viral overnight, sparking public outrage from the African community in Atlanta and beyond.
The city of Philadelphia must stop poisoning our students and teachers
The city ignored 9,000 complaints about toxic conditions filed between 2015 and 2018. Teachers complained of shoddy clean up work and said workers hired to remove the asbestos left piles of toxic dust all over the children’s desks.
Black Community Control of the Police – Justice for Dana Fletcher!
We stand in full unity with the family of Dana Fletcher in this fight for justice.