FBI denies Uhuru 3 Freedom of Information Act requests: What are they hiding?
Motion shreds DOJ case attacking black free speech rights
Jesse Nevel, 1 of 3 indicted by U.S. gov’t, speaks: “We work for the African Liberation Movement”
Chairman Omali speaks for first time since bogus U.S. government indictment
Uhuru Movement appears in court on May 2 and 8 in response to indictments—released on bond
FBI says we’re pawns of Russia. Not!
Black Community Control of the Police – Justice for Dana Fletcher!
We stand in full unity with the family of Dana Fletcher in this fight for justice.
InPDUM: “Keep 28” campaign in St. Louis black community wages struggle against ward reduction
ST. LOUIS—At one time, the city of St. Louis had a population of almost a million people. White people fled the city by the hundreds of thousands when the hint of African people fighting for power was in the air.
CLEARWATER, FL—On July 19, 2018, a 24-year-old African woman named Britany Jacobs waited in the parking lot of a convenience store while her boyfriend, Markeis McGlockton, and five-year-old son, Markeis Jr. were inside.