Revving up for revolution in St. Petersburg, Florida


It was July 10, 2017, a rainy night in Florida’s fourth largest city, St. Petersburg.

The Hilton hotel was the battleground for for two political debates, one featuring the District 6 Seat and one for the Mayor. This all may sound like the backdrop to a typical evening of political banter, but this evening was anything but normal.

While Coastal Living recently ranked St. Petersburg as one of the best 20 places to live calling it a cosmopolitan city that “strikes a balance between historic, small-scale neighborhoods and big-city pleasures.”

There’s just one problem… this cosmopolitan city does not care about the black culture and they aren’t very “worldly” towards the black community. The building of Tropicana Field where the Tampa Bay Devil Rays play baseball displaced a thriving African Gas Plant District, which has confined the black community to south part of the city which has no grocery stores for low income or working class African people to go for food. But unfettered, dog eat dog capitalism wants more.

A building spree of $500,000 to $600,000 luxury condominiums are being put up to put out the black community. So sorry Coastal Living your balance of small-scaled neighborhoods and big city pleasures is full of shit and is for a white audience only.

And now the Black Community has been backed into a corner and they are coming out swinging, and full-on revolting. This movement is being led by the African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement which is running candidates in the District 6 (Eritha “Akilé” Cainion) and Mayoral Race (Jesse Nevel).

The Democratic party is running current Mayor, Rick Kriseman, and the Republican party is running former Mayor Rick Baker. Both of whom are responsible for dumping 187 and a half million gallons of sewage in the bay and right on the Black community.

The start of what became an epic evening was led by District 6 Candidate, Eritha “Akilé” Cainion. Cainion called for reparations for the black community.

She told the corporate-backed political hacks that we are in radical times which calls for radical solutions. She called for the removal of Tropicana Field in order to restore the lost African Gas Plant District.

She called out the gentrification of the black community, she exposed the police State in the U.S., and for an encore she ripped apart the outgoing District 6 Councilman Karl Nurse by exposing him for the land speculating, corporate, capitalistic puppet that he is.

During this time the Uhuru’s would cheer loudly for every time she grabbed the microphone and spoke truth to power. The Uhuru’s let it be known that this wasn’t a forum, this was a provocation. It was time to oppress the oppressors for once, and revolt against this dystopian death culture.

It got the the point where the moderator said if anyone cheered for Cainion again they would take time off for her next response. So what did the Uhuru’s do? They cheered loudly after every time a candidate spoke.

The Uhuru’s seized control of the forum and grabbed it by the balls. They made the rules, and when the showdown of Nevel versus “The Rick’s” came up is when they would apply the squeeze to the Rick’s testicles.

Jesse Nevel set the room on fire. He said Rick Kriseman should pay for the sewage dump and go to jail for it. When a question was asked of the candidates who are their top five paying donors, Rick Kriseman would not answer the question, so Nevel named off both of the Rick’s top donors for the audience.

Nevel called for black community control of the Police, he called Rick Baker a tent slasher for having the police slash the tents of the homeless while he was Mayor. He called out Tampa Bay Times and Bay News 9 for not letting him in the July 25th televised debate since the Rick’s raised the most money out of all the mayoral candidates.

The Rick’s looked intimidated and lost with each eruption of applause from the people as Nevel tore them apart and exposed the tar of their souls for all to see.

The debate ended in fireworks as a question of police brutality was brought up. This sparked a very heated topic in St. Petersburg that made national headlines a year ago.

It was when three African teenage girls drowned in a cemetery pond because the sheriffs would not attempt save them as the car started to sink.

The dashboard camera footage shows one of the deputies saying, ‘They’re done. They’re six, seven deep. I hear them yelling I think.”

Their names were Dominque Battle (16 years old), Ashaunti Butler (15 years old), and Laniya Miller (15 years old).

When it came Nevel’s turn to speak about police brutality he pointed to Dominque Battle’s mother (Kundé Mwamvita) in the crowd and stated that her daughter was brutally drowned and murdered by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. He then said, “I say this to other white people here, the death of that child should be as painful for us as it has been for her.”

It was the kill shot of the debate, it was the ultimate call out to white power. The crowd erupted, and the white liberals sat in shock.

Then came mayoral candidate, Theresa Lassiter’s turn to speak and she tried to use Battle’s mother for political brownie points by saying she was there for her when Dominque died. This lead to an all out shouting match between Battle’s Mother and the Uhuru’s calling Lassiter a liar.

As the middle-aged moderator called for an ending of the debate, Nevel grabbed his microphone and start chanting the names of Dominque Battle, Ashaunti Butler, and Laniya Miller. He ended by saying “The Rick’s must go!” and “Revolution is the only solution!”

The Uhuru’s were also chanting something else at the conclusion of the debate. They were chanting “touch one, touch all”.

And I must tell you the Uhuru’s were touching one 34-year-old that lives in the Northern part of Pinellas County. To see black and white people of all ages come together and bring power to the oppressed black community was something I will carry with me until my last breathe. A wave emotions swept through me as I saw the fighting spirit of human beings come together.

What I also took away from this debate was just how evil the Democratic party is as they laughed at the deaths of the teenaged girls during the debate. They were the most vicious and vile humans in the room that night. Their smug secret racism was on full display.

They are “the resistance,” yet people can’t resist to see how full of shit they are. A recent poll indicates only 28 percent of respondents state the Democratic Party is in touch with the concerns of the average person.

Those that are leftists or those on the radical left say we need a revolution now, that our species is doomed due to abrupt climate change and the systems we have locked into place on this planet.

Well a revolution is brewing in St. Petersburg, Florida.

So Uhurus… on Monday night you touched one, now lets starting revving up the revolution and touch them all…UHURU!

Learn more about Akilé’s campaign

Learn more about Jesse’s campaign





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