Party School set for Sierra Leone

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — The African People's Socialist Party of Sierra Leone (APSP-SL) will hold a three-day Party School here in Freetown on November 26-28.

The Party School, which will take place in the Allentown Community in Freetown will be attended by Party cadre from throughout Sierra Leone and Guinea-Conakry.

The Party School is an institution of the Party. Its goal is to deepen the understanding and knowledge of African Internationalism through the dialectical and historical materialist method of examining social phenomenon.

The curriculum includes in depth discussions around the standards of Party life, the State, the Party's principle of democratic centralism, neocolonialism and the class struggle, among other subjects. The studies are geared toward heightening Party cadre's consciousness and their unwavering commitment and loyalty to our people and the International African Revolution as representatives and members of the APSP-SL. The Party School will also explore the question of the African working class and its historical mission to lead as the vanguard of the ASI and the APSP organizations throughout the African world.

This Party School, through the teachings of African Internationalism, will give the historical basis for a unified and socialist Africa under the leadership of the African working class and poor peasantry.

Upon the return of the delegation from the United States, we plan to share this Party School and the historic launching of the APSP-Sierra Leone with our movement and the revolutionary and progressive peoples throughout the world.

Africans Unite Under the Leadership of the African Working Class and Poor Peasantry!

Strike a Thousand Blows!


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