Imperialist Attacks

White community rewards Negro for shooting 16-year-old African child

../../images/MelvinMcHenryBW.tif.pct.jpg alt=''> Not only was Melvin McHenry shot several times by Patrick McCullough, he was also slandered by the State and...

Plague outbreak in Congo is part of U.S.-led imperialist biological warfare

By Luwezi Kinshasa  The latest outbreak of pneumonic plague began early in February around the diamond town of Zobia, in Oriental province, north of the...

Sinter Klaas and Zwarte Piet: The origins of Santa Claus are in anti-African Dutch tradition

The following presentation was made by Chairman Omali Yeshitela in St. Petersburg, Florida on December 19, 2004 at a weekly meeting of the African...

Stop America’s Other War: APSC-sponsored Marches for Social Justice call for end to U.S. war against African community

../../images/March%20on%20sidewalkBW.tif.pct.jpg alt=''> The African People’s Solidarity Committee sponsored Marches for Social Justice in Oakland, California, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and St. Petersburg, Florida. In...

Poverty in Asia did not begin with tsunamis: White power responsible for Asia’s inability to respond to disaster

../../images/TsunamiVictimAcehBW.tif.pct.jpg alt=''> The Aceh province, which has been involved in a struggle for independence from Indonesia for 26 years, was devastated...

African People’s Socialist Party joins other oppressed peoples for anti-imperialist conference in Holland

Since the successful July 2004 conference to build the African Socialist International in London, African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman, Omali Yeshitela, has been...

Resolution Against U.S. Imperialist-led War. ILPS Second International Assembly. Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 11-13, 2004

The following is a resolution passed at the November 11-13, 2004 Second International Assembly (SIA) of the ILPS which was attended by members of...