See video of police attack here.
PHILADELPHIA, PA — On Thursday, March 19, 2009, police attacked members of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) in the gallery of the City Council during the City Council session where Mayor Nutter was announcing his 2010 budget. International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement members were holding signs protesting Mayor Nutter’s budget, which cuts essential services for the African population while spending more than one billion dollars a year for police and prisons attacking the black community. Subsequent to the police attack, InPDUM international organizer Diop Olugbala, (aka Wali Rahman), and member Shabaka Mnombatha, (aka Franklin Moses), were brutally arrested and are being charged with aggravated assault on police!
As the meeting started, some of the many InPDUM supporters present were holding up signs saying “Unite Philadelphia through Economic and Social Justice”, “Jail Killer Police”, “Stop the War on the Black Community”, and other demands upholding the rights of the impoverished black community.
The meeting began with a resolution to recognize the unbeaten Frankford Chargers youth football team. The Chargers were wearing black armbands in memory of their teammate, 14-year-old Sharif Lee Jones, who was murdered by Philadelphia police on August 24, 2008.
As the team left the chambers, civil affairs police gathered behind the InPDUM organizers and demanded they immediately sit down and stop protesting. A Civil Affairs officer put Diop Olugbala into a chokehold. When Diop and the entire audience protested this attack, the police threw Diop and Shabaka down and arrested them.
During the violent attack, the police threw at least two elderly people to the ground, and another member of InPDUM, an elderly African woman, was taken to the hospital with a broken hip.
The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement calls for people to join the Campaign to Free the City Hall 2!
Stop Philadelphia’s Billion Dollar War Against the African Community!
Throw Nutter in the Gutter! Impeach Mayor Nutter!
InPDUM is calling on people to contact the offices below with the following Demands:
- The immediate Release of Wali Rahman and Franklin Moses.
- Stop the frame up and drop all charges.
Offices to be contacted:
9th District Jail where our Comrades are being held hostage at 215-686-3090.
And call into Mayor Nutter’s Office 215-686-3000.