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uhuru solidarity movement


“Break the Silence! Refuse to be Complicit!” Uhuru Solidarity Movement builds for National Convention on March 7-8, 2015 in Gainesville, Florida

On March 7-8, 2015, the Uhuru Solidarity Movement (USM) will host its National Convention, "Break the Silence! Refuse to Be Complicit!" in the city of Gainesville, Florida.

The white opportunism of Tim Wise versus the African Revolution

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement exposes the opportunism of the anti-racist ideology of Tim Wise.

Drones out of the Middle East and Africa!

Drones out of Africa and the Middle East! Victory to Pakistan! Victory to African people! Uhuru Solidarity Movement statement on U.S. drone attacks. 24 hours a...

Call In! Demand termination of white nationalist driver who assaulted our comrade Johann Bedingfield!

Comrades, Members and Supporters of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, On the date of May 6th, USM member and cadre organizer of the African People’s Solidarity...

44 Years After the Murder of Lil’ Bobby Hutton, The Struggle Continues

This article is shared from the official blog of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, the orgnanization of white people and other allies working under the...

Osama bin Laden may be dead, but America’s wars are far from over! Victory to the oppressed peoples of the world!

As we near the 11th year of the US government's brutal colonial war of occupation against the people of Afghanistan, North Americans around the...

White supporters of African liberation denounce police occupation of black community in St. Petersburg, Florida

On Wednesday, February 23, 2011, the Uhuru Solidarity Movement held a press conference to address the recent shooting of a police officer and subsequent military occupation of the black community in St. Petersburg, FL.

The devastation began more than 200 years ago

The African People’s Solidarity Committee and Uhuru Solidarity Movement call on white people to stand for reparations to African people and to join and support the Uhuru Solidarity Movement campaign for Africa’s Resources in African Hands.

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