Details of Barack Obama’s plan for the complete capitulation of the Palestinian people to the Zionist settler colonial State of Israel have just begun to come to light in the international press. The details come after recent meetings between Obama and Jordan’s King Abdullah and on the eve of the announcement of a so called “unity” parliament in Palestine. The plan itself looks suspiciously like the “autonomy” plans offered to Africans in the bantustans of White Colonial South Africa. In fact, this new plan sponsored by the U.S. with the support of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other reactionary Arab states amounts to little more than the establishment of such a region in the West Bank and Gaza under the rule of a hand-selected neo-colonial leader and the legitimizing of the white settler regime of Israel.
No Palestinian Military, No Control of Airspace, borders or international affairs
According to the May 20th Jerusalem Post:
“Obama is expected to present the initiative in an address to the Arab and Muslim world from Cairo in three weeks, and set out conditions for a demilitarized Palestinian state, with east Jerusalem as its capital, within the next four years. Yediot reported that Obama’s vision for an independent, democratic and contiguous Palestinian state would not have its own army and would be forbidden from making military agreements with other states, in order to provide for Israel’s security. “
The Plan requires the Palestinians to forever give up the right of return in exchange for minimal compensation and require an full acknowledgment of the “right” of the Zionist entity to exist as a Jewish State.
Neo-Colonial “Unity Government” Established to Clear The Way
Such an outrageous attack on Palestine would not be possible apart from the Obama administration’s work to foster division among Palestinian factions and to establish an illegal neo-colonial regime in Palestine. Last month U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton set forth the stipulation that the United States would only recognize the Palestinian Government if it appointed Salem Fayyad as prime minister and agreed to full recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and to ceasing of the military action against Israel. Fayyad had resigned the position in order to allow unity talks to take place. Educated at The University of Texas at Austin and previously employed by the World Bank in Washington and the International Monetary Fund he is viewed as a friend of U.S. interests.
Clinton made clear that the the U.S. would only address the blockade and other problems in Palestine if they agreed to be led by this U.S. puppet. This action made it easier for Abbas to get reluctant agreement from members of Fatah and even the leftist DFLP. It also exasperated the differences between Fatah and Hamas making any reconciliation impossible. Already US had intervened and with Salem Fayyad’s assistance established US training camps for Palestinian security forces in the West Bank with a goal of smashing opposition forces
Members of the PFLP and PPP fought hard to convince both sides of the necessity of not losing track of what is important: The resistance of the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime! They urged that freedom for the Palestinian people could not come when Hamas and Fatah were at odds arresting one anothers fighters and subjecting them to the same treatment Palestinians receive in Israeli jails. Instead they argue that this government which is illegal under the Palestinian Common Law will only make Unity talks between Palestinian factions more difficult. In an interview with Ma’an News Agency back in January a spokesperson for the PFLP explained:
“The only Palestinian legitimacy that matters now is the legitimacy of resistance. This is the definition of our national unity – confronting the occupier and its crimes against our people and upholding and defending our people and our rights. The legitimacy now is not that of the “Palestinian Authority” – legitimacy is formed by standing with the resistance, with our steadfast people, against the crimes of the occupier…We are one nation, one people and one cause, and all of the enemy’s plans to undermine that unity will fail, and that dedication to resist and uphold our national rights to return, to self-determination, to freedom and liberation, to sovereignty, will ensure our victory and our unity of our people, our land and our cause. “
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