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Police union hires killer cop who murdered Laquan McDonald as janitor

Jason Van Dyke, the killer Chicago Police Department cop charged with murdering 17-year-old African Laquan McDonald in October of 2014, was hired by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) to work as a janitor for the city's police union while he awaits trial.

The Reparations Challenge! White solidarity with Black Power!

ST. PETERSBURG—On April 16-17, 2016, the Uhuru Solidarity Movement (USM) calls on white people across the U.S., Europe and the world to travel to St. Petersburg, Florida for the annual USM national convention, titled “The Reparations Challenge! White Solidarity with Black Power!”

Neocolonial leader Museveni steals Uganda’s 2016 elections

UGANDA––Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his National Resistance Movement (NMR) won the presidential and parliamentary elections on February 18, 2016, giving themselves a fifth term in the office and extending their 30-year sell-out rule for another five years.

Chairman Omali: State of African nation; Obama in Cuba and Brussels attack

Chairman Omali criticizes Negro U.S. president Barack Obama and his trip to Cuba, calling Obama the "worst black man to ever walk the planet." The Chairman also addresses the Brussels, Belgium attack as an action for freedom for colonized people.

Black Power Matters in 2016

Reposted from blackagendareport.com Black Agenda Radio for Week of March 21, 2016 “Fear of fascism being ‘right around the corner’ – this time in the form...

APEDF’s Health-Fair in Oakland, CA: “Health Is Freedom”

APEDF’s main goal is to build long-term relationships with the African community and as many health services as possible.

Boko Haram attacks: Nigerian president cannot solve the crisis of neocolonialism

Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari’s arrival to power in May last year was promoted as a decisive factor in defeating Boko Haram in northeast Nigeria.

Neocolonial military police murder fifteen African men in one weekend in Brazil

Salvador Bahia, BRAZIL—Brazil’s military police murder 12 unarmed African men, execution style, on January 6.

Black Community Control of the Mural Update: Loading the gun

InPDUM will host a Sunday Rally at Akwaaba Hall in St. Petersburg, Florida on Sunday, March 20, 2016, with the theme surrounding the mural and a historical timeline presentation delivered by Chairman Omali.

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