On the 54th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X… You can kill a revolutionary but you can’t kill the revolution!

On February 21, 1965, the U.S. government, under the regime of democrat president Lyndon B. Johnson, assassinated Malcolm X with the clear intent to silence the growing Black Liberation Movement within the United States.

It failed, as testified by the rise of the Black Power movement that followed Malcolm X’s death.

The institutionalization of February 21 as “African Martyrs Day” by the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) validates the saying, “You can kill a revolutionary, but you can’t kill the revolution”, quoted by Fred Hampton, the former Chair of the Black Panther Party-Chicago, who was also assassinated by the U.S. government as a result of the assault on the Black Revolution of the 60s.

This day is dedicated to the known, lesser-known and unknown African martyrs, in the history of the longest national liberation struggle in the world.

Malcolm X was known for his fearless anti-colonial leadership in the face of U.S. colonial power – the most barbaric colonial power that has ever existed on this planet.

He taught us to confiscate the “weapon of fear” from our oppressors, to prevent them from using it against us.

We remember all sons and daughters of Africa who faced the cannon, bayonets, prisons, and laws of the oppressors to recapture our freedom

We remember the victims of direct white colonialism as well as the victims of neo-colonialism, also known as white power in black face, since the Portuguese led aggression of Africa in 1415.

We are today all victims of the same colonial slavery.

We remember those courageous sons and daughters of Africa who braved the rapes, mutilations and tortures of the oppressors to recapture our freedom and national destiny at the exclusion of any foreign and hostile power.

We commemorate the African martyrs from the 600 years of trauma, unimaginable violence, horrors of slave plantations and terror of lynching to maintain colonial peace.

We remember the 10 million martyrs who perished with their limbs, ears, noses and sexual organs cut off just to collect rubber for King Leopold II of Belgium to make tires for bicycles, cars, planes and other aspects of the automobile and airplane industries.

We remember the horror that took place in the hunt for ivory, that was carried by foot, under the regime of forced labor, by exhausted Africans from the interior of the land to the shores of the colonizer’s boat, to be transferred to Europe where they were used for goods such as pianos.

We remember those who died in the brutal process of producing crops under the whip in the fields, or in clearing swamps infested with snakes to build houses and roads, for the benefit of white people.

 We pay tribute to Malcolm X  (1965, U.S.), Dedan Kimathi (1957, Kenya), Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe (1978, South Africa), Amilcar Cabral (1973, Guinea Bissau), Paul Bogle (1865, Jamaica), Sam Sharp (1832, Jamaica), Nat Turner (1831, U.S.), September Dulcie (1988, South Africa), Marielle Franco (2018, Brazil) , Emilsen Manyoma & Joe Javier Rodallega (2017, Colombia) who were murdered by our oppressors.

These are representatives of many unknown Africans who die for the same reasons.

We salute African martyrs who refused to compromise with neo-colonialist betrayal

We salute Patrice Lumumba, Maurice Mpolo, Joseph Okito (all of whom died 1961, Congo), the first leaders to be killed with the conscious collaboration of the African petty bourgeoisie.

It is the assassinations of Malcolm, King, Hampton and others which made it later possible for Obama to become the neo-colonial president of the United States.

We salute the courage of Pierre Mulele (1968, Congo) Osendé Afana (1966, Cameroon) Franklin Boukaka (1972, Congo) and Walter Rodney (1980, Guyana), who were freedom fighters killed by white power in black face. They rejected the flag independence which is really the status quo under the rule of the sell out black petty bourgeoisie administration.

Today, the world economy is dominated by the electronic revolution, spearheaded by the big colonial companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Sony, HP, and IBM, that produce various technologies ranging from phones, computers, drones and other high-tech machines and devices which define modern day living. They are built on murder of over 10 million Africans in the Congo today, whose minds struggle to comprehend this level of inhumanity and barbarity imposed on us in that part of the world.

The U.N. mapping report of 2009 cited 617 cases between 1993-2003 that ‘could be’ identified as crimes of genocide as opposed to more honestly reporting them as actual genocide. This is the untold story of the bloody coltan mineral.

We are a martyred population wherever we are located

We commemorate the lesser-known and unknown Africans who died for Africa in Europe’s undeclared war against Africa to capture our free men, women and children and forcibly transferred us from Africa to the Americas during the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

We commemorate all martyrs who perished in this brutal attack.

February 21 is an African national day of remembrance of our own martyrs across the globe, panning the centuries of those who gave their lives in the struggle to end our daily humiliation under direct or indirect foreign rule.

On this celebratory day of martyrs, our thoughts are for all our brave freedom fighters who fell on grenades and knives of traitors such as Mobutu (Congo), Kagame (Rwanda), Kabila (Congo), Museveni (Uganda), Senghor (Senegal) and Houphouët-Boigny (Ivory Coast) and many others.

This day defines the African martyr as those ordinary Africans killed by our oppressors in their routine multi-facet permanent war against the African Nation.

The ones that, when we are not killed, are destroyed in colonial “mental health institutions” in England, France, Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere.

The ones of us who die in colonial prisons, refugee camps, and police stations, such as Oury Jaloh, a young African whose hands and feet were tied to a mattress and burned to death in a German police station.

We remember those who lost their lives in slave raids in Africa or on slave ships.

We remember those Africans who were worked to death on plantations and those who heroically paid the ultimate sacrifice for attempting to runaway from white power tyranny in the Americas.

Our thoughts are for all Africans martyred by the U.S. initiated biological warfare against the African Nation in terms of aids, ebola, cholera, zika, dengue, chikungunya, etc.

We honor the African children forced to live on the streets under colonialism in Brazil, who are mercilessly murdered by the Brazilian police in the process to maintain colonial peace over black lives.

We uphold the African victims of the imperialist police “war on drugs” against the black community in the Americas, in Europe and increasingly in Africa, as a direct result of the colonial drug economy, which is also responsible for the horizontal violence that is tormenting the black community around the world today.

Malcolm X did not die in vain, join us today to complete the Black Revolution

We are here to say Malcolm, King, Biko, Lumumba, Osendé Afana and all the victims of parasitic capitalism and black petite-bourgeoisie betrayal, did not die in vain. In the words Rossy Tshimanga, assassinated by the regime of Joseph Kabila on February 25, 2018, “The people will always win!”

We unite with him by saying “The united African Nation will never be defeated!”

To all Africans tired of this barbaric system that has nothing for us but death and daily humiliation, join Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the African People’s Socialist Party today.

Come to this Thursday meeting, February 21 on 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA, between 7-9 PM.

Contact: uhuruasi@aol.com

Phone – 07723 067 486





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