Days of Reparations to African People: From St. Louis, Missouri to Australia!

Just a matter of days after the African People’s Socialist Party forever alters the course of history with its Seventh Congress in St. Louis, Missouri, Chairman Omali Yeshitela and other leaders of the Party and the African People’s Solidarity Committee will embark on a major speaking tour called “Days of Reparations to African People.”

Hosted by the Uhuru Solidarity Movement (USM), Chairman Omali and other Party leaders, such as Akilé Anai and Dr. Aisha Fields, will be speaking to predominantly North American or white audiences in at least 10 cities.

USM is the mass organization of the African People’s Solidarity Committee; the organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party, working in white communities to build white solidarity with Black Power.

The tour kicks off in St. Louis, MO and then heads to Huntsville, AL; St. Petersburg, FL; Gainesville, FL; Philadelphia, PA; New York, NY; Boston, MA; Portland, OR; and Seattle, WA.

We are excited to announce that this year’s tour will also feature an event in Perth, Australia─the first Day of Reparations ever to occur there!

The Australian Day of Reparations to African People is organized by a new enthusiastic Comrade, Luna George, who is fighting to build white solidarity with the struggle for Black Power.

This includes the struggle of the aboriginal people inside Australia who have faced hideous colonial genocide at the hands of white colonizers no different from the terror inflicted upon African and Indigenous people inside the U.S.

Not a talk-fest, but a call to action

This tour is not a talk fest; it is a call to action, galvanizing white people with the most pressing questions of our times:

What is the role and responsibility of white people in the struggle for Black Power and socialism?

What is the way forward out of the downward spiral of white despair and suicide in response to the deepening social and economic crisis?

In an era of social collapse and environmental destruction, what is the future for humanity?

The Party’s got the answers to all of these questions─and to address them one by one, Chairman Omali is traveling from the Congress where African people from around the world will have just converged for the most important revolutionary meeting of African people in the past 100 years since Marcus Garvey’s Convention of Negro Peoples held in New York in the 1920s.

Chairman Omali will be joined by Penny Hess, the Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and author of “Overturning the Culture of Violence,” who has worked under the Party’s leadership to build the mass movement for white reparations to African people since the founding of APSC in 1976. Chairwoman Penny can also be seen every Monday on hosting her new program, “The Crisis Report.”

Jesse Nevel, the Chair of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement and former mayoral candidate from St. Petersburg, Florida will also be speaking.

Building mass white solidarity with the Black Power Blueprint

The Days of Reparations is part of an annual campaign that mobilizes all of USM to engage in massive fundraising, recruitment and outreach.

It is that time of year when USM is out on the streets every single day selling The Burning Spear newspaper, signing up white people and selling food and other fundraising activities to support the political-economic development projects of the African People’s Socialist Party.

Right now, the major program for which the Days of Reparations campaign is raising resources is the Black Power Blueprint, the bold economic initiative spearheaded by Deputy Chair Ona Zené Yeshitela in St. Louis, Missouri which has already resulted in the creation of a new Uhuru House black community center and the demolition of two condemned buildings to make way for an emergent African marketplace.

USM’s work revolves around winning white people to unite with reparations to the African community for six centuries of ongoing enslavement, colonial brutality and genocide that created the pedestal of wealth and opportunity upon which all white people rest and from which we all benefit.

The Days of Reparations campaign is a self-criticism from the white community for our historic complicity and unity with the hideous colonial murders and rape of African and Indigenous people that we participated in to secure our place on the pedestal of their oppression.

The African Revolution has arrived─inside the white oppressor nation!

The Days of Reparations is our commitment to take up the call of the African People’s Socialist Party to function as “Black Power in white face” by extending the struggle for African Liberation into the living rooms, college campuses and neighborhoods of the white oppressor nation population.

The Days of Reparations is more than just an event; it is the arrival of the African Revolution inside the white colonizer nation.

In his political report to the Seventh Congress, Chairman Omali Yeshitela sums up the strategic brilliance of this:

“Never before has there been an organized struggle among white people of the colonizer nation under the leadership of African people within the colonizer nation itself.

“Never before has the colonizer nation had to defend itself from the demand for African reparations within its own previously sheltered and generally comfortable existence.”

Chairwoman Penny Hess also addressed this in her June column, “Reparations for African people: the future for white people worldwide,” in which she stated:

“Reparations is a worldview and campaign that is only possible through joining under the direct leadership of the organized African working class in the form of the African People’s Socialist Party.

“It is a way of life of action in defense of the African working class and the right of the African nation to struggle for the unification and liberation of Africa and African people everywhere.”

The Days of Reparations begin on October 17 in St. Louis and ends on November 14 in Seattle, WA.

For more information, go to

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