
Largest socialist conference in Sierra Leone since 1930s establishes ASI West Africa Regional Committee

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — The first West Africa Regional Conference of the African Socialist International (ASI), held in Freetown, Sierra Leone from October 20-22,...

Slideshow: Can Barack Obama really bring the change we need?

Can Barack Obama really bring the change we need?View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: uhuru economy)

Forward the Revolutionary African National Democratic Struggle

By Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party The following is a political report presented by APSP Chairman, Omali Yeshitela, to the convention...

P.W. Botha Dies – ANC Honors Him

On October 31, Peter W. Botha, brutal president of the apartheid regime in the territory that is...

Election in Congo won’t bring freedom

../../images/CongoElectionTalleyBW.jpg.pct.jpg alt=''> An African counts votes at a polling station in Congo. By Luwezi Kinshasa  On July 30, imperialist media worldwide publicized the...

African people outraged as Mandela’s ANC honors dead apartheid leader

../../images/061101_botha_mandelaBW.jpg.pct.jpg alt=''> Former president of apartheid South Africa, Peter W. Botha (left), sits with his neocolonial successor, Nelson Mandela AZANIA — On...

The imperialist grip on West Africa must be broken

../../images/Chernoh041906-5BW.jpg.pct.jpg alt=''> The APSP-sponsored tour of Chernoh Alpha M. Bah sent him throughout the U.S. to win support and resources for...

Guinea: an example of the failure of neocolonialism

../../images/conteBW.jpg.pct.jpg alt=''> Lansana Conte is a neocolonial puppet who, like Charles Taylor of Liberia, is no longer in his master’s favor By...

Jesse Jackson serves white power

../../images/Jesse_JacksonBW.tif.pct.jpg alt=''> Jesse Jackson's service to white power in the U.S. is so noted by British imperialists that they brought him...