East Africa socialist conference records mass registration

The upcoming eastern Africa regional conference of the African Socialist International (ASI) is recording an astonishing mass registration from revolutionary groups and individuals expressing desires and interest to attend one of the single most historic events to occur in East Africa in recent times.

The conference is scheduled to take place in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi from March 15-18, 2009 and expected to be the largest gathering of African revolutionaries in East Africa since the 1960s.

ASI’s Director of Organization, Chernoh Alpha M. Bah says the conference will be “the most significant revolutionary event to happen in Kenya since the defeat of the Mau Mau movement by the British colonial administration in the 1950s.”

The conference, the second in a series of regional gatherings scheduled to be held in Africa during the course of this year, aims at bringing together African revolutionaries, progressives, individuals and groups involved in struggle for a free, united Africa to discuss and adopt the strategy and tactics of African internationalism.

“It is part of an ongoing international effort to unite and consolidate the separate efforts of African revolutionary movements and organizations engaged in struggle for African unity and socialism into an international process and organization capable of providing the tactics and strategies necessary to surmount the challenges confronting African unity and liberation,” a statement issued by the African Socialist International states.

The African Socialist International says the gathering will also examine the question of multinational corporate exploitation in Africa, the challenges of the colonial borders, African identity, the growing Chinese influence in Africa and its implications, the ongoing crisis of imperialism, the dangers of neocolonialism, reparations and the right of return for Africans dispersed around the world due to slavery, colonialism and other accompanying assaults, and other questions related to the struggle for African unity and liberation.
“The conference will advance concrete recommendations to forward the uncompromising liberation and unification of Africa and African people around the world and adopt a comprehensive Plan of Action for the building and consolidation of the African Socialist International (ASI) in Africa and other places,” the organization states.
The East Africa conference is expected to bring together representatives from Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Sudan, Congo, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Cameroon, Liberia, Ghana, Guinea-Conakry, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, South Africa, England, United States of America, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Venezuela, Honduras, and other parts of the world.

The conference will mark the launch of the African Socialist International (ASI) in East Africa and establish a formidable regional structure or bureau to carry out the administrative and organizing work and activities of the ASI in the region and formalize its operations in Eastern Africa.


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