
Tampa Bay Times slanders three black candidates. Akile responds!

The Tampa Bay Times has stooped to a new low this morning with the publication of a racist, slanderous article about the arrest records of three black candidates in the city council elections taking place in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Stop gentrification of the black community! Unity through reparations!

There is a systematic plan by politicians and the developers, who fill their campaign accounts with big bucks, to push poor and working class black families out of their homes and businesses on the southside of St. Pete.

The Black Power Blueprint: African Working Class Seizing Power! White St. Louis Owes Reparations!

The biggest assortment of criminals and felons in St. Louis can be found in City Hall and county government offices.

We need Black Power and self determination, not more police

This presentation was given by Comrade Ticharwa Masimba in St. Louis, MO at the O’Fallon Neighborhood Association meeting on June 8, 2019.   He is a...

The time is now! Stop the gentrification of southside St. Pete!

Gentrification isn’t innocent, it’s deadly.

Reparations campaigns kick-off in St. Pete

On June 14, 2019, the campaign committee to elect Eritha Akilé Cainion for District 7 City Council hosted a campaign kick-off barbecue at Wildwood Park to celebrate Cainion’s official qualification.

How St. Pete made Reparations mainstream

The question of reparations being talked about in the mainstream is not a random occurrence.

Build the city’s infrastructure – tax the developers, not the people

When it comes to upgrading the failing sewage infrastructure in St. Petersburg our position is that the big corporations and real estate developers who build in the city of St. Petersburg, must pay an infrastructure tax that will be used to upgrade our sewage system. 

Housing is a human right – prioritizing people over property

My name is Anne Hirsch and I am running for District 5 City Council. I live in Lakewood Estates! I want to weigh in on the issue of the proposed housing development by Boley on 54th Ave S to house people who are dealing with mental health challenges and addiction.
