Black is Back Coalition declares “Black Power Matters!” at Black People’s March on the White House
The march, as the theme indicated, was a call to action! A call to overturn colonialism and the white ruling class. A call for Africans to control the police and security in our own communities. The march was designed to motivate Africans to continue to seek liberation through self-determination versus the colonial-capitalist system.
Vote for Black Power in St. Louis!
As the March 2 election fast approaches, we are taking on greedy developers and corrupt politicians - and are winning more voters and supporters.
Editor's Note: This is a transcription from Chairman Omali Yeshitela’s Address to the African Nation on August 19, 2020.
Today, we want to talk about the question of Kamala Harris.
100 Years Later, It’s Still Red, Black and Green
In the midst of the revolutionary thrust of the African working class following the public murder of George Floyd on May 25, InPDUM celebrated the legacy of Marcus Garvey and his Universal Negro Improvement Association. InPDUM boldly declares themselves 21st century Garveyites.
Is Kanye West a “black leader?” His bid for top imperialist
On July 4, 2020, rapper Kanye West announced he is running for U.S. president, the public leader in world imperialism. He is running as a third-party candidate, representing the “Birthday party” because he says “when we win, it’s everybody’s birthday.”
The Ballot and the Bullet: Putting self-determination back on the ballot
United States—On June 13 and 14, 2020, The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations (BIBC) held our 4th Electoral Campaign School, themed “The Ballot and The Bullet: Putting Self-Determination on the Ballot!”
Annual March & Rally on the White House Demands an end to Worldwide Imperialist Wars
Since its founding 10 years ago on September 12, 2009, the Black is Back Coalition has sought to unite the black self-determination movement.
Five ways the incumbent of District 7 of St. Petersburg has sold out the black community
Aside from the incumbent refusing to face the people by missing more than half of the community forums during the primary election, here’s five ways the incumbent has sold out the interests of the black community and working people in this city, in just four years.
The people will win! Don’t forget to vote on August 27!
Election Day is right around the corner, August 27 to be exact, and it may very well be the most important election for our city.