Feel the Blarney: The 2016 U.S. presidential elections
The electoral process is simply the means by which the different white rulers conduct generally safe, non-violent contests among themselves to take control of the State for the security and advancement of their economic interests.
Bernie Sanders says NO to reparations for African people
Colonialism Trumps Fascism in U.S. elections
The electoral process in the U.S. and other bourgeois countries is simply a nonviolent contest for control of the State by contending sectors of the white ruling class.
U.S. elections: A deadly fraud perpetrated against the people – especially Africans!
WASHINGTON, DC—The African People’s Socialist Party said it in 1984 and it’s still true today. “No Confidence in the U.S. Government - Democratic or Republican, Male or Female, Black or White! All Power to the People! Black Power to the Black Community!” and “The People Must Win Power With Our Own Hands: Neither Jesse Jackson Nor The Democratic Party Can Bring Power to the Black Working Class” - from The Burning Spear Newspaper, August 1984.