Chairman’s strong message of African self-determination to Russian conference makes worldwide news!
20th anniversary of the Million Man March
Join the Black is Back March on Washington: “Black Community Control of the Police” November 7, 2015
Police terror against African youth in McKinney, TX! kefing test
June is a hot summer month with an average of 90 degree weather in McKinney, Texas - ideal weather for a pool party and barbecue.
Test – Black Lives Matter: Opportunism by any name must be exposed!
Black Lives Matter activists at August Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle, Washington The 14-Point Working Platform of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) was adopted by the Party on September 23, 1979 and revised and adopted at our Party’s First Congress on September 6, 1981.
The Party’s Working Platform has been a primary guide to the political objectives of the African People’s Socialist Party, especially within current borders of the U.S.
Our Party is guided by a political program, a Constitution and a Main Resolution presented to each Congress of the Party. The Main Resolution is complimented by a host of other resolutions based on a summation of our situation.
This makes us less likely to succumb to the swamps of opportunism that most often contaminate the struggle of our people to be free of a vicious white colonial domination that has created great wealth and well-being for the U.S. ruling class and white people at our expense.
Black Lives Matter: Opportunism by any name must be exposed!
'"Black Lives Matter," while it appears to some to be a catchy, innocuous slogan, is in fact a pitiful, empty, directionless cry that barely conceals the opportunism and opportunists responsible for its prevalence."
Omali Yeshitela in Moscow, tells world of Africans’ condition in the U.S.
African People’s Education and Defense Fund expands to defend the people in Oakland