
Kinshasa up in flames after Africans protest!

Africans in the Democratic Republic of Congo came together to protest the extended neocolonial ruling of President Joseph Kabila on Monday, September 19, 2016. What began as a peaceful demonstration turned deadly as police shot at protestors with live ammunition.

Elections in Occupied Azania (South Africa) leave the people still colonized, oppressed and exploited

These recent elections held on August 3, 2016 for all district, metropolitan and local municipalities in all nine local provinces in Occupied Azania (South Africa) have confirmed the African National Congress’ (ANC) decline which was noticeable in the last 2014 parliamentary elections. 

This time the ANC received 53.9 percent of the national votes. This is the first time that the ANC has secured below 60 percent.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) received 26.8 percent of the votes and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) received 8.2 percent.

This means that the ANC in certain cities and towns will have to share power with EFF or any other organization.

U.S. blocks African in Azania from entering the U.S. to attend Cadre Development School


OCCUPIED AZANIA––The U.S. Consulate in Occupied Azania (South Africa) denied African Socialist International Comrade Tafarie Mugeri’s request for a U.S. visitor’s visa. 

The request for the visa was made so that he could attend the African People's Socialist Party's (APSP) July 2016 Cadre Development School (CDS) at the Party’s headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida. 

Haiti and the African Union: Why the AU cannot solve the problems of the African masses

It was announced on May 3, 2016 that Haiti would become a Member State of the African Union (AU).

The African Union Commission, however, informed the public on May 26, 2016 at their summit in Kigali, Rwanda that Haiti will not be admitted as a Member State of the African Union, as been reported by several media sources.

According to one of AU’s Constitutive Acts, only African States can join the African Union.

Still no freedom for the colonized African working class in Occupied Azania (South Africa) after voting for 22 years

It is nearing the August 2016 election time in local municipalities of Occupied Azania (South Africa) and all neocolonial political parties in the country have begun campaigning!

From the African National Congress (ANC), the Democratic Alliance (DA), all the way to the radical sounding Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), the masses in Occupied Azania are being told what each party will do for the people.

It is a grand contest all over the country––but the question remains the same as it has since South Africa was born: what about the African working class and its interests?

African refuses to tip white waitress until “land is returned” in Occupied Azania (S. Africa); sparks river of white tears

Ntokozo and friends went to eat at a restaurant in Cape Town, Occupied Azania (South Africa) where he refused to tip a white waitress.

Canada’s imperialist corporations exploit Eritrea’s mineral resources

Eritrea has one of the highest grade of gold, copper and zinc deposits in the world. Canadian company  Nevsun Resources has extracted $700 million USD worth of ore from Eritrea and owned 60 percent of the Bisha mine.

Zimbabwe’s president Mugabe repeals his decision to take possession of the country’s gold mines

Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe said in March 2016 that his government would take possession of all diamond operations because existing miners had robbed the country of its wealth.  This statement was followed up with a cabinet meeting and was eventually repealed

Kenny Motsamai: Why I Don’t Want to Be Out Without Freedom

Piece submitted by Kenny Motsamai, PAC Freedom Fighter currently held as political prisoner in Occupied Azania (South Africa) on charges which he was illegitimately convicted of during the Apartheid regime.