
Real Majority Rule in the Bahamas in through Africa

BAHAMAS––Thousands of Africans in the Bahamas marched to celebrate Majority Rule Day on Tuesday January 10, 2017 in the Bahamas. 

Fifty years ago on that day the first black government was elected into office in this country. 

During that 1967 election, the vote was split 18 seats for the Progressive Liberal Party, who represented the executive committee of the local African petit bourgeois and 18 seats for the United Bahamian Party, the all white ruling class party

The imperialist crisis in Sweden and the growth of African Internationalism

Our solid goals are as follows: To free Africa and her scattered people; To build a single united African nation, where the means of production is in the hands of the workers themselves. We are talking about the dictatorship of the African working class.

Wherever we are located in the world, our freedom will only depend on our capacity to organize for revolution!

I call on all freedom loving Africans to join the African People’s Socialist Party!

Join the African Socialist International!

French police commit violence against African and Afghan immigrants

The immigration violence in October 2016 by the French police against the traumatized and impoverished colonial people fleeing U.S.-led NATO wars was world news.

French police demolished the Calais “Jungle” tearing down the makeshift homes of the 7,000 residents.

African girls in Florida and South Africa stand up to anti-African school dress code policies!

High school senior Jelani Masozi was forced by a Gibbs High School 9th grade assistant principal, Mrs. Holcombe, who was accompanied by cop, Grace Womack, to remove her headwrap on Thursday, August 25th, 2016.

The intimidating presence of the police, armed to the teeth with a gun, taser, and pepper spray—identical to the police that murder us in the streets—caused Jelani to feel like she had no other option but to remove her headwrap.

This humiliating, demoralizing request caused her to call the African National Women’s Organization (ANWO) who directed her to put her headwrap back on.

The African People’s Socialist Party consolidated in Cape Town, Occupied Azania

CAPE TOWN—The ASI went to the Western Cape on the 3rd of October 2016, in order to consolidate our Party there and connect the struggle of the students in the University of Cape Town with the struggle of the African working class.

The purpose for consolidating our Party in Western Cape is mainly because there has been much exposure of the Party there through the African working class spreading works of the Chairman through video and literature as well as the outreach of Party leaders and friends of the Uhuru Movement.

#FeesMustFall and the exposure of the State in Occupied Azania (South Africa)

OCCUPIED AZANIA––Universities have turned into raiding fields for black bodies where the State police are using military tactics to quell the mostly-African students’ unrests in and out of campuses across the country of Occupied Azania (South Africa).

The brutal nature of this direct counter-insurgence has raised cryptical uncertainties as the students are woken to the reality of what they actually mean to the State as opposed to the reverse.


Ali Bongo versus Jean Ping: Two loyal neocolonial stooges vie for State power in Gabon

The recent August elections have cut open the French neocolonial contradictions based on sucking the blood of Africans in Gabon for centuries. The highly-contested August 27, 2016 elections between Ai Bongo Ondimba and Jean Ping were an assault on African people’s consciousness and future, particularly the African working class.


African Socialist International (ASI) on Fees Must Fall

The African National Congress (ANC) is a petty bourgeois party that is against African students.

We are in a crisis of imperialism where imperialism is being challenged by the colonized masses all around the world, including in South Africa. 

The crisis in South Africa is ripening. It inspires the students.

Crying black cop is still a pig working for white power

As Charlotte police continued to battle courageous Africans in the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina, a Negro cop was caught shedding a tear.

The African cop was asked by Africans protesting in the streets whether “his job was worth the black lives killed.” It was at that moment that a photograph captured the cop crying. 
