APEDF is Gettin’ Bodied!

A production of the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF), “Gettin’ Bodied” is a new dance instruction based exercise class Mondays and Thursdays at 6pm in Akwaaba Hall at the St. Petersburg Uhuru House.

“Gettin’ Bodied” is an alternative to traditional workouts at our All People’s TyRon Lewis Community Gym. The “dance fitness revolution for your body” will teach vigorous and exciting dance routines that rely on the traditional African cultural strengths of dance and music in a fun, social environment.

As part of the APEDF Wellness Program to improve the individual and collective health of the African community, “Gettin’ Bodied” contributes to the fight against diabetes, heart disease, obesity, all of which disproportionately affect African people living in the U.S.

While 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. are obese, 57 percent of African women in the U.S. are obese. African women face twice the risk for fatal heart disease, and increased risk for diabetes and hypertension.

African women in St. Petersburg are 40 percent more likely to be diagnosed with cancer, which is linked to obesity. Overweight and obesity rates also tend to be higher among African children in the U.S. as compared with white children, with obesity rates increasing faster at earlier ages and with higher rates of severe obesity.

“Gettin’ Bodied” can help you get fit and lose weight, but also build confidence, become more acquainted with your body, come out of your “shell” and learn to embrace yourself as you naturally are, with no beauty standard that you must strive to achieve! Classes are open to adults and children 8 years and older.

Get ready to dance with experienced instructor Diakiesse Lungisani!

Diakiesse has been the creator and lead choreographer for schools, professional dance squads and cabaret shows in the Columbia, SC area. With a unique style, infectious exuberance and supportive guidance, Diakiesse will motivate you!

Gettin’ Bodied classes will fill up quickly, so come to Akwaaba Hall in St. Petersburg on Mondays and Thursdays at 6pm to get your spot!

Gettin’ Bodied will also have a demonstration at the May 6th Health Fair and Flea Market outside the St. Petersburg Uhuru House.


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