Editor’s note:
Zaki Buruti, President of The Universal African Peoples Organization, is also a member of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations.
The BIBC is an organization of organizations. One such organization is the African People’s Socialist Party.
The Universal African Peoples Organization and Praying Mothers United will host an Old Fashioned Get Out The Vote Rally on Saturday, July 23, 2016 in Support of our Missouri state-wide candidates: Cori Bush/United States Senator, Eric Morrison/Governor and Tommie Pierson/Lt. Governor.
This event will be held at Greater St. Mark Family Church, 9950 Glen Owen (at Chambers) Ferguson, Mo starting at 6:30pm.
Entertainment will include Gospel music/artists, Spoken Word artists and Community and Political Speakers.
Along with the general public, elected officials, candidates, organizational and spiritual leaders are invited.
We look forward to your attendance. Please feel free to make copies of our flier and spread widely.
Do not forget to vote Tuesday, August 2, 2016.
For those who live in the state of Kansas, vote and elect Monique Singh Bey, United States Senator.
PS: Are you aware that there are no black governors out of 50 and only 2 black United States senators out of 100?