The following is an excerpt of a presentation made by Gaida Kambon, Secretary General of the African People’s Socialist Party at the Sixth Congress of the APSP.
ST. PETERSBURG, FL—Today in the United States, there exists an unequal equilibrium between the exploitative and oppressive forces of imperialism and the rising resistance movement of the domestically colonized African and other non-white subject peoples of the U.S. and the world.
With revolutionary organization, this uneasy equilibrium could be easily tilted to the favor of the people’s just struggles for national liberation and self-determination—a world free of capitalist exploitation.
In the late 19th century there was no such thing as an “uneasy equilibrium.” White Western imperialism reigned unchallenged and supreme. By the time of the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference, also known as the Congo Conference, when the “sun did not set on the British Empire,” the pendulum was absolutely in the camp of white power colonialism.
This is not the case in 2013. Imperialist rule by oppressor nations is being challenged all over the world by the fighting peoples of the oppressed nations.
The U.S. is doing everything in its power, politically and militarily to stave off the people’s will and revolutionary struggle to reclaim our stolen resources and dignity.
It seems that the U.S. and all its efforts are a hodgepodge of contradictions on the national and international stages that they never can get right or win. Their last victories were Ronald Reagan’s invasion of tiny Grenada in 1983 and the Barack Hussein Obama-led murder of Osama bin Laden in 2011.
Obama’s “salaam alaikum” speech in Cairo, Egypt was not enough to stop the revolutionary upsurge in Tunisia and Egypt now known as the Arab Spring. Nor was the lynching of Colonel Gaddafi enough to put down the peoples will to be free and self-determining in Libya. An organized insurgency blossoms there.
In addition, the U.S.—after more than 20 years of the most brutal military aggression imaginable—cannot put down the insurgencies in Iraqi or Afghanistan. Even Pakistan won’t bow down totally to U.S. expectations.
The U.S.’s bid to organize their fellow travelers in the United Nations in the ghost hunt for so-called “weapons of mass destruction” in an effort to overthrow the Assad government, and for the white settler Israelis to rule roughshod over occupied Palestine and the region, has been totally exposed.
We also know now that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was indeed assassinated by poison, and the U.S. and Israel are the usual and prime suspects.
Even the U.S.’s closest ally, Britain, would not unite with the second “weapons of mass destruction” outright lie for a war of aggression against Syria.
Despite “Black Hawk Being Down,” Barrack Obama still ordered the assassination of an African teenager on a U.S. flagged rogue boat in Somali waters that he deemed to be a “pirate.” The efforts to crush the resistance of freedom fighters in that region of Africa and to criminalize our revolution are part of the mandate white power bestowed upon Obama—and he loves it.
U.S. imperialism is faring no better inside its borders. Barack Obama is exposing himself to be what all U.S. presidents must be—a liar and a willing tool of the white ruling class.
The Democrats and the Republicans can’t even seem to agree that they are both thug organizations in the service of imperialism. The only thing they seem to agree on is their joint support for the Zionist state of Israel and the mass incarceration of Africans.
Malcolm X showed over 50 years ago that the Democratic party was a white power organization, no different from its counterpart Republican party.
Obama’s first action after re-election was to put an increased bounty on the head of African freedom fighter, Assata Shakur, and officially designate her as a terrorist, thereby criminalizing the whole African Liberation Movement inside U.S. borders.
Obama went to Africa and did a magicians slight-of-hand where he magically shifted the blame of the misery of the people from the colonialists to bad governance by his fellow neocolonialist African heads of state.
All the while Obama was castigating African fathers for being irresponsible, but failing to mention U.S. policies that make one out of every eight prisoners in the world an African in the United States.
No response to white vigilante murders, such as the case with Travon Martin, could only win a “Trayvon could have been my son,” statement from the neocolonialist U.S. head of state who is an African like Trayvon.
Despite U.S. white power representing itself in black face, the people’s will to resist oppression and tyranny and colonialism is growing daily.
The African People’s Socialist Party, through its participation in the Black is Back Coalition for Socialist Justice, Peace and Reparations; through its mass organizations such as the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM), the All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP), and the development of the white solidarity formation, the African People’s Solidarity Committee, are positioning the people’s movement to fight for and win the power.
The African Socialist International and its economic wing, Black Star Industries, constitute the ingredients to raise up the African Revolution worldwide.
The “uneasy equilibrium” will swing our way!
All Power to the African Workers and Peasants!
African Internationalism Leads the Way!!