WASHINGTON, D.C.–On December 21, 2015 a Waller County, Texas grand jury decided to return a non-indictment in the death of Sandra Bland.
This is not surprising as all around the country grand juries refuse to indict cops for the murder of African people.
This decision comes out just a few days after a hung jury in the trial of William Porter, one of the cops accused of killing Freddie Gray in Baltimore. The reality for African people is that we will not be given justice for the deaths of our loved ones.
Families continue to fight with hope that their case will win in the colonial court system, but they never get the justice they deserve when cops kill their loved ones.
How do we stop it? What do we want?
We want power. Total and unequivocal power over our own on lives. Power to defend ourselves against terrorist occupying forces in our communities.
Power to convene our own judges and juries when cops decide to put 16 bullets through the bodies of our children or serial rape black women. In ANWO, we know that this power will not be given. It has to be fought for at every turn.
We can petition for cops to lose their jobs, but this does not solve the overarching problem. African people are domestically colonized within the borders of illegitimate colonial settler state called America, therefore we will never be free of the violence doled out by the state and white vigilante terrorism.
Sandra Bland’s videotaped arrest is evidence enough that the rights and bodies of black people will never be respected inside a system of colonial oppression.
We will continue to support the family of Sandra Bland and do whatever we can to raise up the contradictions in case of Bland and other women terrorized by the state, because we know that Sandra Bland is all of us.
ANWO will join protests in DC in front of the Justice Department at 6pm today, December 22nd.
African women, the time is now to get organized. Join ANWO to empower African women and our entire community to stop the victimization of our people.
Black Power Matters! Black Community Control of the Police!
Sign the Africans Charge Genocide petition to the U.N. to charge the U.S. with acts of genocide against African people.
Justice for Sandra Bland!