Seventy percent of deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. are African people: We charge genocide!

The statistics are staggering. African people are dying in striking numbers and the only thing the bourgeoisie can do is stuff billions of dollars into the coffers of large corporations.

“People are dropping like flies,” one person is quoted as saying of African people in an article from the U.K. Guardian.

They were talking about the situation in St. John’s Parish, a town 30 minutes from New Orleans, where the death rate is higher than any county in the U.S. for its size.

St. John’s is 55 percent African and the coroners are running out of places to put dead bodies.

In New Orleans itself where the population is 32 percent African, we comprise an alarming 73 percent of all COVID-19 related deaths!

According to incomplete data released by The New York Times on April 8:

“Of the victims whose demographic data was publicly shared by officials — nearly 3,300 of the nation’s 13,000 deaths thus far — about 42% were black, according to an Associated Press analysis. African Americans account for roughly 21% of the total population in the areas covered by the analysis.”

In Milwaukee, Chicago and throughout the state of Michigan we see numbers of African deaths as high as 70 percent.

In the city of St. Louis, every single reported case has been an African person—young and old, male and female .

Yet we also know from our own families and friends in the African community, that the real numbers are much higher!

First of all most of us don’t have access to tests or even the option to go to the hospital.

They don’t even bother to test us for the COVID-19 virus so African deaths are listed as “undetermined causes,” or “complications of heart disease,” etc.

That’s why the African People’s Socialist Party calls this the “colonialvirus” because white power controls whether we will live or die.

The clear verdict is genocide

Capitalism has to go and African people must have power!

The pandemic ravaging African communities is clear evidence of what the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) has been saying all along—the central contradiction in the world today is not a contradiction between bosses and workers in general, but instead is represented as a contradiction between oppressed and oppressor nations.

Africans are the ones forced to work for meager wages in Walmarts across North America while the capitalist class lives off corporate dividends generated by our labor in addition to a $2 trillion windfall stimulus package. Still, many refuse to even offer personal protective equipment (PPE) for the workers who enrich them.

Workers inside the U.S. cannot make PPE because corporations deem it unprofitable and see it as a liability. As a result untold numbers of Africans will perish. Unemployment will ravish the African community and our wealth will regress backwards a hundred years or more!

Africans charge genocide

Those who offer up phrases such as “essential workers” are covering over what, if honest, we would call African and colonized workers. More than any, African lives are cut down daily from a virus for which the U.S. government refuses to offer any real resources.

What we are seeing is a concentrated form of the relationship that has existed between African people and the U.S. since colonizers set foot on Indigenous territory here and snatched Africans from Africa itself.

Our stolen labor, land and resources built the wealth of this parasitic capitalist system and we want it back.

The destruction of life we are witnessing in this pandemic is an accelerated form of an often  less-visible destruction of African life that occurs every day in the U.S. under colonial domination!

While we measure it in weeks and days during this pandemic, during “normal” times the same phenomenon is usually measured in years and decades. This phenomenon was genocide then and it is genocide now!

The mythology taught by the white bourgeoisie to justify the exploitation of the masses is under attack by the African People’s Socialist Party and The People’s War campaign. Our goal is to liberate Africa and African people everywhere, seize back our stolen resources and govern ourselves!

The white ruling class would have us believe the economy is founded upon consumer spending, or business owners who have up to 500 workers, and that the white middle class is the driving force in the economy. 

But APSP’s The People’s War is revealing that it is the colonized African workers who are the essential workers for the entire social system and that colonial-capitalism diminishes our life expectancy as a condition for increasing the life expectancy of the entire white world.

The United Nations defines genocide as any of the following acts:

(a) Killing members of the group — Guilty!

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group — Guilty

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part — Guilty!

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group — Guilty!

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group — Guilty!

Africans Charge Genocide!

Colonial-Capitalism Must Go!

Reparations Now!


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