Mobile, ALABAMA––”I heard about five shots, a pause, and then two more shots. When I heard the sirens I came out to see what was going on.” said Ronn Greene of Mobile, Alabama, a witness at the scene of yet another unarmed African teen gunned down by police.
The victim, 18-year-old Michael Moore, died at the hospital.
Michael was shot multiple times Wednesday, June 15th in what would be considered a routine traffic stop for white people.
For the colonized African being held hostage in the U.S., however, being killed by the State is the routine.
As usual, the police department and white media are working as hammer and nail constructing a narrative that serves the State’s need to maintain the status quo––killing Africans!
According to, “The fatal shooting happened following a routine traffic stop. Around 6:15 p.m, a Mobile police officer pulled over the car that Moore was driving near Stanton Road and Wagner Street. There were two other people inside.
“The officer reported that Moore didn’t have a valid license and asked him to step out of the vehicle. Once out of the vehicle, police report there was a brief confrontation and the officer noticed Moore had a handgun on his waist.
“The officer pulled his gun and shot Moore four times. He was taken to the hospital and later died. The officer wasn’t injured.
“Police say they recovered a semi-automatic 40 caliber Smith and Wesson on the scene.”
Africans on the scene, fed up, demanding answers from the killer Mobile police at the scene, describes a totally different scenario.
Fox 10 News reports, “A large crowd (of Africans) gathered around the scene shortly after the shooting happened. Witnesses say they don’t think the officer should have shot Moore, and they want answers. Many were very upset, and going right up to the crime scene tape asking police questions.”
One African witness stated, “We thought it was a routine traffic stop, we were standing at the door looking at it, young man gets out with his cell phone in his hand and as soon as he gets out, he [the officer] shoots him.
“Young man falls back on the ground, he stands over him and shoots over him four more times, after he shoots him the fourth time, he says don’t move turn over. The guy couldn’t turn over, he flipped the guy over, put handcuffs on him, and stands over him with his gun and tells him don’t move, the guy couldn’t move,” says Willie Westbrook, who lives across the street.
Another African witness, Lenese Bohannon, states a similar account and also says she saw the whole thing: “The police was standing up by him as he got out of the car and when the boy got out of the car the police just shot the boy and the boy fell on the ground and the police stood over him and shot him 3 more times.”
Black Community Control of the Police is the only answer
What is more democratic than the people killed most by the State, having the say-so to ensure that the State doesn’t kill them?
Glen Ford writes in an article featured on the, “The necessity for black community police oversight is based on historical and current realities and modern principles of self-determination––in other words, on the proven fact that white-dominated governing structures cannot be trusted to hire, supervise and discipline the cops that patrol black communities; that blacks have the right to police themselves, and not to be subject to the coercive power of hostile forces.
“(These same self-determinationist principles can be applied to the totality of the criminal justice system, at all stages of the process, from neighborhood surveillance, through arrest, sentencing and incarceration.)
“Thus, the principles undergirding black community control of police are in stark conflict with the narrow vision of democracy upon which U.S. law is based.”
Black Community Control of the Police is the only answers for colonized Africans. There has not been one incident in African people’s history in the U.S. where police meant well for us.
The only way to ensure we are not dead after every encounter with the arm representative of the State, Africans must have the right to hire, fire and disciple the police in our communities.
Join the Black is Back Coalition’s Black Community Control of the Police Working Group now at!
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