One Africa! One Nation!

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One Africa! One Nation! is Chairman Omali Yeshitela’s new book that contains excerpts from various conferences to build the African Socialist International as well as theoretical pieces bringing an African Internationalist analysis to critical questions facing African people.

Following on the heels of Omali Yeshitela Speaks published last year, Burning Spear Uhuru Publications announces a new book edited by Chairman Omali Yeshitela: One Africa! One Nation! The African Socialist International and the movement to unite and liberate Africa and African people worldwide.

As Luwezi Kinshasa, Director of International Affairs of the African People’s Socialist Party, writes in his foreword to the new book:

“One Africa! One Nation! offers to us powerful new insights into the efforts led by Chairman Omali Yeshitela over the past two decades to unite African people everywhere to liberate Our Africa…

“Readers will find that the only significant explanation of the crisis of imperialism today is emanating from the evolving African working class theory of African Internationalism…

“A loud and confident rallying call to Africans, those in Africa and those dispersed throughout the world, One Africa! One Nation! makes it clear that we have no future unless we seize control of our freedom and sovereignty, our Motherland, resources and rightful destiny…”

Carrying out the legacy of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba and others, the Chairman’s new book is a dynamic collection of presentations, reports and resolutions coming out of the process of building the African Socialist International (ASI).

Long the driving vision of Chairman Omali and the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), the African Socialist International will be a worldwide party made up of African people throughout Africa and the world with the goal of uniting and liberating Africa under the leadership of African workers and poor peasants.

For more than 20 years, Chairman Omali has traveled the globe speaking to African people worldwide about the mission of the ASI. Most of the presentations and other pieces in the book were first given at conferences to build the African Socialist International, which have been held in London over the past decade. The founding Congress of the African Socialist International is expected to culminate this process in the next few years.

One Africa! One Nation! opens with the brilliant theoretical work, “Let independence be your aim!” written by Chairman Omali for the First Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party in 1981. In this visionary, philosophical piece, the Chairman tackles every theoretical obstacle to the question of why African workers must lead the struggle to unite and liberate Our Africa.

Citing the works of Nkrumah, W.E.B. DuBois, Karl Marx and others, Chairman Omali makes an irrefutable case for the necessity of African liberation. This essay presents the groundwork for African Internationalism, the Chairman’s political theory that exposes the fact that capitalism is a parasitic system that was born and is maintained on the assault on Africa.

Other theoretical questions are taken on in a series of transcribed speeches made by the Chairman in workshops during ASI conferences. African Internationalism versus Pan Africanism, African identity and the National Question and the issue of the State are brilliantly explained in the pages of this book.

Other chapters of the book present reports to the ASI conferences from fronts throughout the African world, including Azania, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Britain and elsewhere. Solidarity statements are given from Mexican liberation organizations based in the U.S. and from the African People’s Solidarity Committee, the organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party.

The book also features powerful presentations by Chairman Omali and other ASI speakers in various venues throughout the world. This section includes the passionate voices of Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, leader of the Africanist Movement of Sierra Leone and West Africa, Gaida Kambon, National Secretary of the APSP, along with a transcribed discussion between Chairman Omali and Sam Nujoma, founder of SWAPO (Southwest African People’s Organization) and founding President of Namibia.

Concluding this historic book is the Main Resolution of the African Socialist International, adopted in 2004, along with other resolutions ratified over the years.

In his preface to One Africa! One Nation! Omali Yeshitela writes,

“In this book are found some of the profound theoretical and political conclusions that are providing ever more clarity for our rightful struggle to liberate our people and our Motherland after more than 500 years of imperialist domination. These are not static philosophical observations, but theory advanced in the heat of struggle. The resolutions and reports from the various ASI conferences found in these pages are manifestations of political struggle throughout the African world, on the ground and in the process of building the ASI.

“The African People’s Socialist Party and the African Socialist International represent the African working class in motion. Several of the speeches in this book are presentations made either in the arena of actual struggle, or in efforts to win people to action. This is strikingly different from the recent phenomenon of gatherings of African intellectuals speaking essentially to each other with no expectations of changing the world. This is also different from the recent rash of Pan Africanist gatherings that are nothing more than talk fests for the purpose of information gathering….

“It is only the African working class that, once organized and armed with the benefit of advanced revolutionary theory, has the capacity and dynamic character to project that vision and carry it out. This book is testimony to that effect.”

One Africa! One Nation! was launched at the Burning Spear Uhuru Publications booth at the Harlem Book Fair on 135th Street between 5th and 7th Avenues in New York City on Saturday, July 22. The book can be ordered online from the website 

One Africa! One Nation! costs $20 plus $3 shipping, and can also be purchased by mail. Make checks out to BSUP and send to Burning Spear Uhuru Publications/ P.O. Box 3757/ St. Petersburg, FL 33731. For more information call 727.894.6997.


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