Houston, TX––The Houston Branch of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM-Houston) was invited to attend and speak at a Black Lives Matter March for Human Rights on Saturday, May 20, 2017 in Downtown Houston, TX.
The Human Rights March was organized as a unity event to center blackness in all of the issues that we are facing in this country, state, city and all while trying to survive under U.S. president Donald Trump, according to its organizers.
The local InPDUM Houston branch decided that this would be a good opportunity to discuss human rights in the form of self-determination and freedom for African people as points 1 and 2 of InPDUM’s Revolutionary National Democratic Program of state: “We demand all rights consistent with being a free people, rights which include self-determination and self-government as the highest expression of genuine democracy. We demand independence in our lifetime. We demand international democratic rights and self-determination for African people throughout the world.”
“Being a colonized African means that we are staring down the barrel of a gun everyday of our lives”
Comrades Adeyemi, Simone, along with myself, Nyabinghi M. carried the Black Community Control of the Police banner throughout the march while chanting, “The pigs in my hood ain’t no good!” ensuring that the demands of InPDUM were clear.
With a crowd of nearly 150 behind us, as well as pigs surrounding us, we marched on for over a mile from Discovery Green Park to Houston’s downtown City Hall.
Once we arrived at the City Hall, we prepared ourselves to lay out InPDUM’s political agenda in order to organize the people towards revolutionary solutions for our oppressed conditions.
As we walked up the steps of City Hall, however, a couple stopped us and warned us about the four “white supremacists” with AK-47s.
I replied, “being a colonized African means that we are staring down the barrel of a gun everyday of our lives, this is no different, we’re not leaving.”
I wasn’t afraid for me or my comrades because I knew that we had something that the Africans in the crowd needed to hear: African Internationalism.
“I am just African; I don’t have any intersectionalities in the Revolution”
Ashton P. Woods, president of Black Lives Matter-Houston, began the rally by addressing the crowd of about 120 whites, 30 Africans and 15 Indigenous people.
“I am Ashton Woods, I’m black and I guess I identify as same-gender-loving. This is not about Donald Trump; you can impeach him all day. But they got a bunch of Donald Trumps here in Houston,” Woods said.
Bobbie Hoskins, the newest Black Lives Matter-Houston organizer, introduced herself to the crowd next, “I am Bobbie Hoskins, I’m black and I’m bisexual.”
When it was my time to speak to the large crowd, after hearing so many Africans speak of their “intersectionalities,” I made it clear that, “I am just African, I don’t have any intersectionalities in the Revolution.”
The crowd was silent until I stated, “this country was built off of taking the human rights of African and Indigenous people. Human rights meaning our ability to feed, clothe, house ourselves, have power. Our ability to build our own economic institutions.
“African people don’t have this right, not because of racism, but because we are colonized! So if we want black lives to matter, Black Power must matter!”
Screams erupted from the crowd when I stated, “If you want to organize, join us and if you want to build a new world join us. A new world with no bombs in Syria, no invasions in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, no starvation in Somalia or Azania; join InPDUM!”
The excitement of Africans could not only be seen but heard, they needed this, we needed this.
Africans were mobilized once I stepped down from my speech. My comrades and I were approached by young Africans who wanted to learn more about our organization, as well as our political ideology of African Internationalism.
See the full video below:
Revolution can’t wait!
This was an opportunity for us to win our people to revolution, which I believe was successfully carried out.
We were able to win over 10 contacts and sell over 20 copies of The Burning Spear newspaper.
We understand that Revolution can’t wait; not in Houston, not in St. Pete, not in Nigeria, not in Sweden. It is with this understanding that we will be holding a mass meeting on Sunday May 28th for those Africans who want to take the first step towards entering political life and gaining self-determination.
We also would like to extend this invitation to the general masses of Africans in Houston who would like to learn more about our organization.
We will be meeting at the Shape Community Center, 3815 Live Oak St., Houston, TX 77004 from 2-4 p.m.
If you are unable to attend and are interested in participating, contact us for more information at: inpdumhouston@gmail.com or (832) 779-469.
Fist Up! Fight Back!
Fight For Freedom! Join InPDUM!