Lynch-mob cops chokes Eric Garner to death


STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK—A man was lynched on July 17, 2014 in an area of Staten Island, New York known to the locals as “Cop Land.”
But instead of a rope, the cop-mob used the banned, deadly and illegal chokehold. The cops are well aware that the chokehold kills.
The man was known as a gentle giant and provided the comfort of a teddy bear to the needy. Feeding the homeless and sponsoring ice cream days for the neighborhood children were just a few ways that he displayed his benevolence.
His name was Eric Garner. He was a husband and a father of six. And most importantly he was an African in the streets of the U.S.
A neighbor shared that Garner offered to assist her with feeding her children after she was unable to sufficiently provide food for them.
He was praised by his friend who witnessed his death as being a caring, stand up, community man who gave back and paid it forward.
On July 17, the day of the lynch mob style police murder, 43-year-old Garner and his friends broke up a fight outside of a business.
Shortly thereafter, cops Daniel Pantaleo and Justin Damico began to harass Garner, as they routinely do to Africans in the community. Probable cause and the rest of the law go out the window when they operate in the black community.
The police now justify their “Stop and Frisk” of Eric Garner by claiming they were going to arrest him for selling single cigarettes. The white ruling class commits mass murder with its selling of cigarettes, yet none of them are arrested or charged with any crime whatsoever.
From the moment Garner was initially approached he consistently exclaimed to the police that he had not committed a crime and asked not to be touched.
He continued to explain to the police that they regularly unjustly harass him. He told them he “was minding his business and please leave me alone.”
He adamantly requested the cops to refrain from touching him and rightfully so because of previous encounters Garner experienced with the infamous lynch mob of cop land.
Reprobate cop Pantaleo circled around Garner and placed him in the dreaded and banned choke hold.
This choke hold, often referred to as the death hold, has been banned in New York since around 1995 as a result of numerous complaints and deaths.
So it would be suspicisous if anyone assumed the cops did not have malicious intent when they approached Eric Garner.
As Pantaleo aggressively secured Garner in the forbidden choke hold, Damico and other officers seized upon Garner and forced him down to the concrete.
The entire incident was filmed by one of Garner’s friends. The video visibly showed how one of the cops firmly pressed Garner’s face into the concrete as he bellowed “I can’t breathe” at least eleven times.
Seconds later, Garner breathed his last breath as an onlooker called out, “something is wrong with him.”
Yes, something was wrong. The immoral cops choked the life out of an innocent man who just completed his last good deed – bringing peace to a fight.
He was not allowed to die peacefully. Garner, like countless other Africans, was accosted by police and subsequently killed.
Instead of cops administering CPR after seeing that he was no longer breathing, they rummaged through his pockets and watched him lay dead on the sidewalk.
When the paramedics arrived, they failed to provide an oxygen mask despite Garner appearing unconscious and in need of oxygen.
The negligent paramedics, who are now on modified duty, were absolutely remiss in their duties by not providing Garner with oxygen or immediately starting chest compressions to restore his breathing and stabilize him.
The entire murder sequence was caught on cell phone video by Africans who stood by watching as their brother had his breath choked out of him.
It is time for African people, men and women, to stop standing idly by as the police murder our people. We must begin to intervene in these situations by any means necessary.
Garner had recently filed several complaints against the cops for violating his rights and humiliating him by conducting a public strip search.
According to reports of this strip search, one of the cops forcefully shoved his fingers in Garner’s anus.
It is not unusual for this type of compliant to be lodged against cops in New York. In 1997, Abner Louima was sadistically sodomized with a broomstick inside a Brooklyn police station by Justin Volpe and other cops.
Cop Daniel Pantaleo has already cost the tax payers $30,000 for using excessive force on two innocent men. He was found guilty of false arrest and violating police procedures in two lawsuits.
In one of the lawsuits, two African plaintiffs were awarded $15,000 each after proving they’d been falsely arrested on Staten Island in 2012 and forced to publicly strip so cops could search them. All charges against them were dropped.
Just as recently as February of 2014, a lawsuit was filed in response to Pantaleo fabricating charges on another innocent person.
A plaintiff in one of those cases insists that he is too frightened to speak on his case for fear of cops seeking retaliation.
Ironically, Ramsey Orta, the friend who filmed the lynching of Garner, was arrested 16 days after filming the lynching of Garner.
In cop land, false charges can be filed and you can easily disappear in retaliation.  
Although the medical examiner has recently declared Eric Garner’s death as a homicide, charges have not been filed.
Pantaleo has been stripped of his badge. But we know there is another one to take his place. And we know that Pantaleo can easily be hired as a cop anywhere else in the U.S.
While Damico and the paramedics who are also accomplices to the crime are on modified duty, charges have not been filed and no one has been decidedly dismissed from their civil servant positions.

We charge genocide!

How many more innocent Africans will be murdered at the hands of those whose duties have been sketched from the days of slave catchers and the KKK?
How long will we accept genocidal attacks in our communities?
As Eric Garner declared before dying, “I’m tired of this and this stops today.”
The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM), an organization that fights back against police violence and murder will be holding its International Convention right there in Newark, New Jersey on September 20 and 21, 2014.
The conference will be held at Refal Headquarters, 269-271 South 9th Street. For more information and to register for the convention, visit
Revolutionary Love, Eric Garner!


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