LONDON—The violence that erupted in opposition to this The Group of Twenty (G20) forum which took place on Friday, July 7th and Saturday July 8th 7 in Hamburg, Germany made headlines in most national news broadcasted around the world.
“Cars and barricades ablaze, shops plundered, water cannons in constant operation, injuries, devastated city quarters, heavily-armed special police units: The images of the violence in Hamburg have circled the globe. And they stood in stark contrast to those of the 20 heads of state and government who, at the same time, were listening to Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” in Hamburg’s chic new Elbphilharmonie concert hall. Classical music inside, clashes outside.” ( July 8, 2017.
The swarm of armed police forces in Hamburg exposed the crisis of confidence that exists between white rulers and their people. This was a white bourgeois State operation against white people, white workers––not “islamist terrorists”––to show its firmness and robustness in maintain bourgeois rule.
Over 200 police were injured, over 100 protesters injured, and some 70 arrested. To those who are shocked by the scale of violence, it is important to remind everyone that no country in Europe is immune of imperialist crisis including the “successful Germany.”
The frustration of their population will not always be expressed through the ballot box, but Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, was readily available to take a political advantage, a guarantor of bourgeois law and order.
The hosting of G20 forum has served Merkel well; she has used it as a platform to mobilize her supporters for the upcoming September elections in Germany where she hopes to secure her fourth term as the chancellor.
Prior to this gathering, she has voiced concern that Europe could no longer depend on the US military for her protection. She also talked about the creation of a Marshall Plan for Africa. All these talks served her well in her electoral campaign.
What is G20?
This is the list of the G20 countries and institutions whose leaders feasted in Hamburg include: Argentina , Australia, Brazil ,Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, EU and Commission.”
G20 forum has no permanent secretariat or presidency; its decisions are not binding. It is a liberal organization where agreements are made on the sidelines.
Is there anything that the G20 does that the UN does not or cannot do? The G20 is a biased organization, it was created from inception as a forum to manage contradictions amongst older oppressor nations and the new ones such as China, Turkey and India at the expense of the rest of oppressed nations.
The issues discussed at the Forum “Fight against terror, trade, climate change, help women in ‘developing countries’” reflect the hypocrisy and priorities of heads of states from the oppressor nations. They obscured the struggles of the peoples of the world to overturn colonialism, which directly threaten the existence of the imperialism system.
The term of emerging nations used to cover up the presence of India, Indonesia, Turkey and China are misleading. The question remains emerging to become what? Nothing else but oppressor and parasitic nations themselves.
They are catching up with Japan, they essentially agree to develop within the structures of same international parasitic system that gave rise to white oppressor nations around the Earth, from Europe, to North America via Australia and new Zealand.
White left class struggle violence does not target colonialism
According to the British ruling class newspaper, The Telegraph “The Group of Twenty (G20) is an international forum that brings together the world’s 20 leading industrialized and emerging economies. The group accounts for 85 percent of world GDP and two-thirds of its population.
It slightly differs from the G8, which includes the most advanced industrialized oppressor countries of the world.”
Demonstrators came for a myriad of reasons. According to the Guardian, the London-based liberal bourgeois newspaper, “Climate change has been one of the animating causes for protesters who have clashed with police in Hamburg.”
U.S. president Donald Trump’s decision to take the U.S out of the Paris climate change agreement, known as the CO21 deal, has angered many white people.
There were also those who are upset because of Donald Trump’s anti abortion stance, immigration laws that target Muslims, etc. There are those who are opposed to U.S led NATO’s agenda for imperialist wars of aggression and the anti-austerity plans that have been implemented by `most of the governments in Europe, etc.
Trade Unionists, feminists, anarchists, anti-racist groups, and various liberal and white left political organizations attended these demonstrations.
The demonstration was a white event, where white demonstrators in mass fought the police with no fears of loosing their lives, as one should expect when Africans demonstrated in Congo, Nigeria, Angola, Jamaica, Brazil or even in the US, where colonial police shoot routinely with impunity unarmed Africans.
For an event that made headlines around the world, it was not advancing the struggles of the vast majority of the oppressed people who live on less than a $1 dollar a day.
We are clear that every struggle within the European nation of which Germany a key member must go to the roots, to the core of the issue, which is colonialism or white parasitism.
The white working class must be accountable to the colonized peoples around the world fighting against white power rulers in solidarity with colonized peoples under the leadership of colonized peoples themselves. The African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) is ready for any white individual that dares to take the reparations challenge.
G20 forum cannot solve imperialist contradictions
There are a bunch of hot issues that imperialism cannot resolve without going to war against Russia, China or Iran, such as North Korea’s growing missile defense system; the defeat of the US in Syria; the regional power of Iran; the failure of Saudi Arabia in Yemen, etc.
There is also the inner struggle within the white ruling class, which is split, we can see that through sustain attacks on Trump by democrats and sectors of the republicans as well.
Donald Trump visited Poland before getting to Germany. Poland is a key country in NATO policy of encirclement of Russia. Nonetheless, this does not protect Donald Trump from the ongoing struggle with leading traditional Democrats and Republicans who have accused him of collusion with Russia’s rulers. The meeting between Trump and Putin just added more to the contradiction.
Charles M. Blow, commented on some of the outcomes of the meeting between the two nuclear powers, in his New York Times article that: “And this whole business of setting up a cyber security working group with the Russians is like inviting the burglar to help you design your alarm system…”
They also discussed the situation in Syria. Trump himself tweeted about it: “We negotiated a ceasefire in parts of Syria which will save lives. Now it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia!”
Charles Blow replied: “No, sir, this is not the time to “move forward” with Russia, but rather time to “move forward” against it.
In the past, white power states saw themselves as makers and shapers of world events but in fact they have 20 states which include Russia, Turkey, China and India that now serve as evidence that the traditional white imperialist states cannot rule the world in their old ways. Amongst the G20, discord and rivalry is not just rife, but becoming the norm.
For example, Angela Merkel’s Germany have just withdrawn their military from Incirlink the Turkish NATO air base, despite the fact that Germany paid 6 billion euros to Turkey to keep immigrants fleeing NATO created wars in the Middle East and in Africa, from entering Germany through Turkey.
French president Emmanuel Macron is attending the G20 summit with the intent to make France profit from Britain’s Brexit decision. He hopes to make France the beneficiary of the capital flight from England.
Deepen The Imperialist Crisis