Day 23: The training of African revolutionaries at Party Intensive in St Petersburg, Florida

Sunday, July 27, 2014, day 23 of the Cadre Intensive

Secretary General Luwezi Kinshasa discussed the importance of the African Nation being united and our sense of sameness. No matter where we are in the world, Africans are oppressed. That common condition alone should unite us.

Chairman Omali Yeshitela explained and defined the African Nation. To win our liberation we must know who our enemies are.

It was explained that Africans are more than a multitude of tribes; we have highly organized societies. The Chairman stated that the African nation was born on the African continent and that Africa is the homeland of all African people with a core sense of sameness that includes common culture, history and physiology.

Comrade Sister Makda gave a report on how our people are oppressed and divided by a variety of ways by the coloniaist, and they attempt to  make it difficult to organize in Sweden.

Comrade Brother Fenty from Sierra Leone gave a report on the people's living conditions and how its important for us to organize the African People's Socialist Party in the homeland.

Secretary General Luwezi and Chairman Omali Yeshitela's lectures were very informative, while Makda and Fenty's reports gave us a sense of sameness.

In all it was a great day! Ready for Day 24!

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