SIERRA LEONE: In February 2015 AAPDEP medical personnel trained forty Sierra Leoneans in the prevention of EVD and various outreach and counseling methods as preparation for its community outreach campaign working to spread the message of respect and positive reintegration of EVD affected community members.
With Phase II now in full swing, AAPDEP is focusing on distributing food, medical supplies for affected families as well as accessing media to conduct public education around Ebola in the Allentown and Lungi communities. Thanks to your donations so far.
In the coming months, AAPDEP plans to organize EVD survivors into our already established community farming, educational and economic development programs as part of its long-term approach to tackling the challenges they face.
The ongoing success of this project will be helped greatly by the plans that AAPDEP has to open Zenzele Consignment Boutique in August 2015, which will serve to fund this and other projects of AAPDEP. This institution will embody AAPDEP’s self-reliance, imperative for developing African communities around the world.
Testimony From Training – Angella Bangura
My name is Angella M. Bangura, I was one of the participants that attended the Ebola workshop as a member of AAPDEP. The workshop started at 12:00pm and ended at 5:30pm. During the period I learned a lot about this deadly virus, Ebola. There were facilitators that taught us about the following
- The History of Ebola
- How it is spread
- How to prevent the virus
- Psychosocial counseling
We were divided into three groups and they are A, B, and C group A which was Omali group, group B which is Biko and group C which was Marcus Garvey. I was fortunate to be in Biko group, in our group we were seven (7) in number, this groupings was done in order for us to work as a team and after any session one facilitator asked us to write on the topic taught and to select one person in the group to make a presentation.
The workshop really helped me a lot, because it has expanded my thinking about Ebola and it also makes me understand how to protect myself and my community as a whole.
We’ve already collected over $4500 and now that we’re in Phase II we will need to raise $9500 which will help to complete this Phase and transition into Phases III and IV.of this project. Help us keep this project going by donating at