Police and Prisons

Chairman Omali Yeshitela’s message on the colonial murder of George Floyd and the righteous revolutionary resistance of the African Nation

On Friday, May 29, 2020, three days into militant protests that have rocked the foundation of the colonialist capitalAPSPuhuru.orgist world, African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela broadcast this message, which has been slightly edited here and which can be found in its original video version on the Burning Spear TV channel on YouTube:

African People’s Socialist Party denounces murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, demands withdrawal of police

We, the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), led by Chairman Omali Yeshitela, denounce yet another brutal police murder of an African man, George Floyd in Minneapolis. In response our Party is holding an international mobilization in support of African people to resist the colonial State and to fight for power over our lives.

African and Mexican prisoners sentenced to death behind bars in California

COVID-19 news stories dominate headlines around the world, including its deadly impact on prisoners on lockdown in California. Headlines read, “California prisons report 194 coronavirus cases, plans to bunk inmates in groups of eight” or “70 percent of inmates tested have COVID-19: Bureau of Prisons.” 70 percent of the state prison population is African and Mexican.

COVID-19 spreads like wildfire in colonial prisons

“As many as 200,000 people could die from COVID-19 in the U.S.”⁠—double the current government estimate⁠—if there are no measures taken to stop the rampant COVID-19 pandemic sweeping through the colonial U.S. prison system, according to a recent study by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). 

Message to my comrades from lockdown inside the blood-sucking prison system

Editor’s note: Bub Myers from the Uhuru Furniture store in Philadelphia has been locked down in the clutches of the colonial prison system in Pennsylvania for over a year for a minor parole violation with no trial or conviction.

The Coronavirus is a death sentence to Africans stuffed inside the largest prison system on planet Earth

This is the accusation in a lawsuit filed by three inmates in a Michigan prison where ten people have died of COVID-19 as of April 13, 2020.

Black Community Control of the Police – Justice for Dana Fletcher!

We stand in full unity with the family of Dana Fletcher in this fight for justice.

“Free ‘em all!” Reparations now to all African political prisoners!

While in prison, I suffered some of the most inhumane conditions anywhere.

The unholy union: The FBI and its black informants

Allegations against “Black leader” Rev. Al Sharpton of being a possible informant for the FBI with intent to provide information forthe alleged attempted entrapment of exiled former Black Panther Assata Shakur,brings to light the complex relationship between the FBI and Black Informants.
