
December in South Africa – the hype versus the Revolution!

December in South Africa is always a month organized around capitalism bleeding the African working class more than it does in any of the months.

The African Middle Class Attack Against Poor and Working Class African Women

The offensive slander and discussions are not happenstance, innocent entertainment or happening in a vacuum! Their programming serves an insidious purpose.

The horror of transport for workers in Africa case study: The South African metrorail trains

Doing work in the colonial townships of Johannesburg, I realized that it is going to be important for Africans born subsequent to the defeat of the Black Revolution of the 1960s to know that there is nothing natural about the way things have been prepared for us by our colonizers. 

Robert Mugabe and the class question – Towards a liberated, unified, socialist Africa!

The death of former Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has been another focus for the many discussions that seek to argue what is revolutionary over what is reactionary.

The Azania Weekly Rap: September 9, 2019

The latest revolutionary analysis from on the ground in the African People's Socialist Party-Occupied Azania!

The Azania Weekly Rap

I want to charge this rap against the vicious South African settler colonial bondage of African people by stating that we must all be like comrade Omowale Kefing who has just recently made a departure from this world.

The Azania Weekly Rap – Introduction

The Azania Weekly Rap is the fight for the narrative. The reality of the South African situation is that while we are physically building structures in contention with the war machinery of our imperialist and neo-colonial enemies we are also engaged in the battle of ideas.

A critique of Macron’s meeting with Addo Akofu and the black diaspora of France

The French President Emmanuel Macron invited President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo to Paris on Thursday, July 11. 

The unholy union: The FBI and its black informants

Allegations against “Black leader” Rev. Al Sharpton of being a possible informant for the FBI with intent to provide information forthe alleged attempted entrapment of exiled former Black Panther Assata Shakur,brings to light the complex relationship between the FBI and Black Informants.
