Hands Off Uhuru Hands Off Africa

2023 Hands Off Uhuru! bicoastal tour and Reparations Now! launch highlights

Group photo at the tour event in San Diego State University with Chairman Omali Yeshitela and some comrades from Union del Barrio, Mexican-Indigenous Liberation Organization...

The Black is Back Coalition Responds to ANSWER/PSL: “Your Actions Speak So Loudly, We Can’t Hear a Word You Say…”

While some (but not most) of what the Party for Socialism and Liberation/ANSWER Coalition have said in their response to the Black is Back Coalition’s Open Letter is...

Why is the white-led interventionist ANSWER Coalition trying to stand between the Black Liberation Movement and the Palestinian people?

Hands Off Uhuru Fightback Coalition stands in unity with the 15th annual Black People’s March on the White House on Saturday November 4, 2023,...

Hands Off Uhuru! Fightback Coalition stands with Palestine: Colonialism must go!

Hands Off Uhuru! Fightback Coalition stands in deep unity with the Palestinian people’s historic anti-colonial counteroffensive against the U.S.-backed, colonial-settler state of Israel. The African,...

All roads lead to November 4th Black People’s March on the White House!

There is a powerful new movement afoot. It is a movement that has been brought to life by a revitalized African liberation struggle and...

Hands Off Uhuru Fightback Coalition builds the anti-colonial free speech movement!

More than 35 organizations and individuals signed on to launch the Hands Off Uhuru Fightback Coalition, led by the African People's Socialist Party on...

Motion shreds DOJ case attacking black free speech rights

The future of the first amendment of the U.S. constitution and the right to engage in peaceful activism and free speech activities hangs in...

United Nations Permanent Forum reveals influence of Uhuru Movement, weakened U.S. hegemony

From May 30 to June 2, International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) President Matsemela Odom and Lisa Davis, Vice Chair of the Black is...

Not one step backwards! FBI attacks the Black Liberation Movement…again. Drop the charges now!

A Call to the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations’ 14th Annual National Conference - August 19 and 20. Register...