ST. PETERSBURG, FL.— The Uhuru Solidarity Movement is coordinating a national campaign to build the Days in Solidarity with African People (DSAP) in October under the theme, “No more genocide in our name! Reparations for stolen black lives!”
USM is the organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to build material solidarity from the white oppressor nation population with the struggle of African people for self-determination and national liberation.
The DSAP campaign will culminate in Days in Solidarity with African People events throughout the U.S. including in San Diego, CA; Gainesville, FL; and St. Petersburg, FL.
USM will build support for the Uhuru Movement’s campaign to petition the United Nations to charge the U.S. with the crime of genocide against African people in this country.
We are in a period of transformation, unlike anything seen since the Black Revolution of the 1960s.
From Fallujah to Ferguson, the historic battle between the oppressor and the oppressed has reached a tipping point. The world will never be the same.
From the African communities inside the U.S. to the Indigenous people of South America, the oppressed peoples of the planet have challenged the status quo of a social system that strangles and starves the majority of the world for the benefit of the few.
In this period of profound polarization, the white population must make a choice of whether to align with a dying, parasitic social system or unite with the optimistic vision of the African liberation struggle.
As Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee has written: “We are the children of the slave-master, facing the children of the enslaved.”
The Uhuru Movement and the African People’s Socialist Party have called upon white people to go back into the white communities and organize white people into a mass movement for reparations to African people.
This is the task of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement (USM). We organize in the white communities where all of African people’s stolen labor value and resources are concentrated.
We raise resources as an act of material solidaritywith the struggle of African people for economic development, self-determination, liberation, and reparations.
Every USM member is called upon to make a commitment to raise between $100 and $500 before the end of October
With reparations as our rallying cry, we are going into the white community this September and October with the goal to raise $10,000 to do the work of the African People’s Socialist Party.
Material support from white people for the APSP is not charity. It is material solidarity with African liberation. It is reparations.
Go to to make your pledge.
This is a call from the African liberation movement for white people to face the reality that there are two Unites States of America.
White people, in one reality enjoy prosperity, opportunity and have 22 times the wealth of the average black family.
African people in another reality are gunned down by the police every 26 hours, locked up in droves in the U.S. prison system, and face colonial conditions of extreme poverty.
As Chairman Omali Yeshitela has written, “The highest expression of unity from the white oppressor nation population with the struggle of African people for liberation is material solidarity.”
For more information go to