Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson endorses imperialist Hillary Clinton for U.S. president

Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson did an interview with the Washington Post on October 25, 2016 where he gave his official endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for president of the U.S.

Deray McKesson became famous after the Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD rebellions. He was given a platform by colonial media because he gave a watered down and apologetic narrative on the murders of African people by pigs around the country.

He could be seen on CNN and MSNBC talking about body cameras and police reform and has even said that “all cops aren’t bad” when talking about police terror.

His endorsement of Killary comes as no surprise to anyone who understands that Black Lives Matter is not a revolutionary movement nor organization. 

He told the Washington Post, “we engage in imperfect systems sometimes, to make them more perfect. And our engagement in democracy comes in many forms––we engage in democracy in protests, in board meetings, in classrooms and, importantly, at the ballot.”

McKesson went on by saying “I voted my entire life, and I was still tear-gassed in the streets of St. Louis and Baltimore. I voted my entire life, and those votes did not convict the killers of Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray or Michael Brown.”

The wrong side of the question

What the Black Lives Matter activist and so many other Africans must understand is that the system of colonialism is not imperfect for those who benefit from it. The system is doing what it was built to do, which is to oppress Africans.

U.S. democracy does not exist. We do not live in a democracy. We live under an oppressive and anti-democratic regime. This system is not to be engaged by Africans. It is to be destroyed.

It is clear to the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and even to Deray McKesson himself that voting did not stop the murderous pigs and their subsequent acquittals, the tear gas and none of the terror we experience.

It makes no sense to think that there is any use in voting for Hillary Clinton when even a black president did not free us from the terror of our oppressors.

McKesson claims that Clinton will work to undo the havoc she caused Africans with the 1994 crime bill signed by her husband, William Jefferson Clinton. The damage can not be undone. The issue of mass incarceration can only be solved by the release of Africans out the country’s prison camps and the complete withdrawal of the occupying police from our African communities.

The issue that McKesson and the whole Black Lives Matter bunch fail to understand is that Africans do not benefit from this system. He mentions in the interview that Hillary Clinton will move the country forward in terms of the economy and international relations.

This economy is built on stolen land, people and resources. It is not ours to salvage. We Africans must save Africa. We must struggle to build our own economy and our own state power.

Down with colonialism!

The U.S. economy and its international relations are dependent on the abuse it dishes out to the oppressed people of the world. We do not want it to continue. We want it to end.

Deray McKesson’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton boils down to his attachment to this oppressive system. He makes this point when he says “I often hear some of my peers say that they may not vote, that a Donald Trump presidency would bring about a productive apocalypse—that the system would grind to a halt and force us to confront everything that is wrong with the system. But we know that the system will not come to a grinding halt; it never has.”

The system is not some godlike creature that is incapable of being destroyed. Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party described U.S. imperialism as a “paper tiger.”

The system is only as strong as the faith and fear that the people it oppresses have in it. Any self-determined African not only wants this system to crumble but will struggle fiercely to bring it down.

Malcolm X said it best when he described the difference between the house Negro and the field Negro. He stated in 1963 that “the field Negroes were the masses. They were in the majority. When the master got sick, they prayed that he’d die. [Laughter] If his house caught on fire, they’d pray for a wind to come along and fan the breeze.”

Deray McKesson should be fanning the breeze instead of trying to help Hillary Clinton save the house that slavery built.

Vote 4 Black Power!

Register to attend our National Convention for Black Self-determination in Washington D.C. on Nov 5th and 6th!

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