On April 8th and 9th, the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations will conduct an electoral campaign school for African activists who want to open up a new front for the struggle for self-determination in the U.S.

After years of organizing mass actions, conventions and conferences to promote self-determination while fighting Democrats and Republicans and their black sycophants in our own communities, the Coalition has called on black militants to invade the system white rulers have created to exercise white political power.

The Coalition is not calling on black people to abandon all other forms of struggle or to believe that elections are the only legitimate means of achieving and exercising power. We know different. We are aware of the history of betrayal of our people’s desire for freedom by both Democrats and Republicans.

After the U.S. government, sometimes with the assistance of black traitors in our own community, assassinated genuine African leaders and destroyed many of our revolutionary organizations, elections were offered to our people as the only legitimate, rational method of winning black power.

Since that time, the white rulers have created cadres of black politicians that are loyal to white power and are incapable of fighting for the legitimate independent power of our people.

The Black is Back Coalition has held a number of mass black conferences, state and national conventions to forge a commonly agreed on Black Agenda for Self-determination that should guide all of our political activity.

Now, on April 8th and 9th, the Coalition will be using the electoral candidate’s school to train African working class people on how to use the white electoral process as a method of fighting to advance our interests as a colonized and oppressed people through the National Black Agenda for Self-determination.

The school will feature presentations by people such as the legendary and esteemed civil rights attorney John Due, Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report, Omali Yeshitela of the African People’s Socialist Party and other noted and committed resources.

The school will teach the history of African involvement with the electoral system in the U.S., qualifications for running for office, how to raise money and how to frame a campaign message. The school will teach how to get the vote out and how to use the referendum and ballot initiative processes as additional means of getting the National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination issues on the ballot.

The upcoming school will be an intensive two-day process that usually takes a week or more. The Coalition will have to bring some of the resource persons to Florida from other areas of the U.S.People will also have to be fed during the school.

This is going to require money. The Coalition will require a $100 registration fee to cover some of the costs. Donations will also be solicited from members and supporters of the Coalition and any others who are sympathetic to the efforts to build the candidates’ school.



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