Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations calls for US out of Haiti; Clinton out of Harlem

Washington, DC – October 10, 2010 – Join the Black is Back Coalition on November 20 in Harlem for an all day Black is Back affair under the slogan, "US Out of Haiti; Clinton Out of Harlem!"

We know that more than eight months have passed since Haiti's devastating earthquake, and more than 1.3 million Haitians continue to live in makeshift tent camps without adequate shelter, food or sanitation.
We know that despite the international community's generosity following the January 12, 2010 earthquake, that support has not been translated into effective assistance for the Haitian people.
We know that former US president Bill Clinton and his administration supported the imperialist policy to destabilize Haiti politically and economically.
We know that Bill Clinton's foundation, and other so-called "NGOs" are presently engaged in another looting of Haiti by collecting the millions of dollars donated after the earthquake.
We also know that Bill Clinton is the poster child for the gentrification in Harlem that has lead to great leaps in the cost of housing and the "ethnic" cleansing driving the African population out.
And we know that the bourgeois press remains silent on this state of affairs just as it remains silent on the 45,000 Africans who die each month in the Congo in a war based on the imperialist scramble for the Congo's wealth.
The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations aims to break this silence surrounding the oppression of African people on Saturday, November 20.
There will be a "Rally Against Clinton" at 55 West 125th Street between 12 noon and 1:30 pm.
Following the rally there will be a speak-out under the theme "Let’s Not Forget Haiti" that will include a teach-in at St. Mary’s Church located at 516 West 126th Street (between Amsterdam Avenue and Old Broadway), approximately six blocks from Bill Clinton's headquarters at 55 West 125th Street. The teach-in will run from 2pm – 5pm.
In addition, there will be a showing of a film on Haiti, from 6pm – 9pm, with a panel discussion and reception afterwards at the Maysles Cinema, which is located on 128th Street and Lennox Avenue.
For further information email Nellie Bailey at or call her at 212-663-5248. You can email Alex Morley at as well.
Also, check out the Black is Back website at


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