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Luwezi Kinshasa, ASI Secretary General


Why have the U.S. and EU sanctions failed to put Russia on its knees?

For the vast majority of the people of the world, the U.S. and EU sanctions are the pursuit of military world domination under the...

Glasgow COP26 organized by the bourgeoisie to maintain colonialism

Every year, the UN-inspired annual conference on climate change, called Conference of the Parties 26 (COP26), is an opportunity for oppressor nations to dictate their views on climate change on oppressed nations.

Defeat of U.S. colonialism in Afghanistan shows how a determined people can win

The following article is excerpted from a presentation delivered by African Socialist International Secretary General Luwezi Kinshasa during a September 7, 2021 live forum...

Long live Octavius Dionte Clark, son of Deputy Chair Ona Zené Yeshitela

To Comrades Deputy Chair Ona Zené Yeshitela and Chairman Omali Yeshitela: It is with great shock and sadness that we learned of the sudden...

France on death bed in Africa, Haiti

France is facing an existential crisis in the African world. There is much discussion about how horrible French colonialism is from Haiti to West...

African People’s Socialist Party condolences to our leadership

September 1, 2021 Uhuru Comrades, Deputy Chair Ona Zené Yeshitela and Chairman Omali Yeshitela, It is with great shock and sadness that we learned of the...

The mourning of John Pombe Magufuli, as one of the leading representatives of the African petty bourgeoisie

The death of 61-year-old Tanzania president John Pombe Magufuli on March 17, 2021 caught the attention of the bourgeois press and gained the support of Pan-Africanists who...

We stand in solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela!

Editor's Note: The following presentation was delivered by Luwezi Kinshasa, Secretary General of the African Socialist International, to the Venezuelan Bicentennial Congress of the...

Julius Malema tours the UK and criticizes the ANC

LONDONà ¢ "In late November 2015, Julius Malema, the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) based in Occupied Azania, toured England.

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