For the vast majority of impoverished colonized people, Palestinian fighters are not terrorists, but anti-colonial forces fighting a national liberation war, just like the Vietnamese, Chinese, Cubans, Kenyans, Algerians and Haitians, who, by the way, conducted the first successful national liberation war against the colonial mode of production.
The impact of the Palestinian freedom struggle has become a world phenomenon that no one can ignore. It has practical, political, economic and social implications for Palestinians, Muslims in the Middle East region and for colonized peoples around the world.
It has consequences for all of the main colonial backers of the Israeli settlers’ government too.
One thing that is clear for all to see is that the Israeli Zionist settlers and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) genocidaires cannot rule in the same old way. The veil of the myth of the invisibility of the Israeli armed forces is gone to the wind.
The Israeli Defense Force is a genocidal army, who shoot to kill unarmed and hungry civilians—mostly women and babies.
They have laid siege at and bombed hospitals with patients in need of urgent treatment. IDF snipers, when they are not shooting at ambulances on a mission to save lives, are posted outside medical facilities killing anyone that moves or tries to move out.
Journalists murdered by IDF an attack on free speech
According to the the website, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), “As of April 5, 2024, CPJ’s preliminary investigations showed at least 95 journalists and media workers were among the more than 34,000 killed since the war began on October 7—with more than 33,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza and the West Bank and 1,200 deaths in Israel”.
In another article published in Al Jazeera, the CPJ claims that in 2023, the Palestinian victims account for nearly 75 percent of all journalists killed worldwide.
Despite all these atrocities, there has not been a single outcry from the white colonial press in Britain, where I am located, against the genocide of the Palestinian people.
IDF murder of white aid workers inflame British press
The British rulers and their media are the unconditional supporters of IDF and Netanyahu’s government’s genocidal war against the Palestinian people.
There have been mega demonstrations every month, every week throughout the United Kingdom demanding an immediate ceasefire.
Despite these huge mobilizations, the leaders of both Parties in the UK, Rishi Sunak, the current prime minister, and Keith Starmer, the leader of the opposition, stand unmoved with the Zionist government’s war against the Palestinian people.
By acting within 24 hours, the British rulers were one of the Western colonial governments to join the call by the Israeli settler colonial government to withdraw their funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), based on allegations made by the Israeli government.
The British government also has listed Hamas, a leading organization of the Palestinian people’s liberation movement, as a terrorist organization. How ironic is this? When we consider that it was Britain’s Lord Balfour in 1917 who promised to give the Palestinian land to the Zionist Jews.
Today the British press and political class are opportunistically and momentarily mobilized against the IDF’s murder of seven aid workers. They are crying loud because it’s white people that have died while delivering aid to Palestinian people, despite the fact that the IDF was notified of their presence and itinerary.
The British ruling class and press are not shedding tears for the Palestinian people, they are not joining the world wide solidarity call for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine.
We have not seen the liberal bourgeoisie press mobilize against the IDF war since the kick off of this resistance on October 7, 2023. So why now? What are the motivations and objectives of the white ruling class? They are coming to their senses that Israel settlers will not win and that the Palestinian national liberation movement will not be defeated.
The second source of their motivation to criticize Israeli’s killing of the white aid workers is the upcoming general elections in Britain or the presidential elections in the U.S.
A sector of the British rulers alongside the international white ruling class, conscious of the fragility of the world wide colonial mode of production, do not want a direct war between Israel and Iran, which will have deadly consequences for the colonial mode of production, particularly the colonial trade that would be affected beyond recognition; they rather prefer a neocolonial settlement between the Palestinian and the regional Arab petty bourgeoisie.
A neocolonial status quo imposed from Washington will not satisfy regional powers such as Iran or Turkey which have their own regional ambitions. Russia and China and their BRICS alliance which is set to include Egypt and Saudi Arabia is not compatible with a white power-imposed status quo.
Palestinian resistance most important factor in the region
The most important factor is the strength of the new national coalition of the Palestine resistance on the ground which has been able to sideline the traditionally discredited Organization of Liberation of Palestine.
The Palestinian resistance in Gaza is proving to be the beginning of the end of the Zionist settlers’ project of stealing the land of Palestine.
Six months of Palestinian resistance has exposed the Israel settler State. No more lies such as Israel is “the only democracy in the Middle East.” Israel is a genocidal settler-colonial State.
The Palestinian struggle is a part of the global resistance against the colonial mode of production, which started with the assault on Africa by King João I of Portugal in 1415.
The poor people’s struggle in Haiti, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Venezuela, West Papua Guinea, etc… are all parts of the struggle to reverse the verdict of the colonial mode of production, of which settler colonialism is the most violent, as it requires the theft of land and extermination or near extermination of the indigenous population and its replacement by the colonizing population.
Solidarity with Palestine by the colonized people of Yemen, known as the Houthis, is threatening to shut down the Red Sea to colonial shipping.
This is a reminder of a period when the Haitian Revolution, in solidarity with all the struggles of colonized peoples in the Americas, became the main threat to an irreversible eradication of colonialism as the main mode of production on the planet.
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