African woman forced to appear in court without pants on

Louisville, KY—An unidentified African woman was forced to walk into a courtroom without any pants, on July 29, 2016.

An attorney for the African woman informed the courtroom judge that the sister had been denied pants and feminine hygiene products during the three days that she was in jail.

The entire incident played out on a courtroom video.

The judge, Amber Wolf, appeared “shocked” that the African woman was forced to remain without pants or feminine hygiene products. Wolf immediately picks up a phone and calls the director of the jail, Mark Bolton.

Wolf can be heard speaking on the phone and asking why the African woman was brought to court with no pants and denied feminine hygiene products.

“I have a defendant who has been in you all’s jail for three days who is standing in front of me completely pants-less. Has no pants on,” she said. “She has requested pants for three days and has been denied pants for three days. She has no pants and she is in court. And she has also been denied feminine hygiene products. What the hell is going on?”

As the judge is talking on the phone, one of the male courtroom cops stands casually directly behind the African woman, looking her up and down.

The judge showed phony compassion for the African woman

Wolf appeared surprised that the African woman was forced to walk into the courtroom without pants on. She also spoke as if she were doing the African woman a great favor by charging the sister $100 for a shoplifting charge.

The African woman was initially charged by the State for “shoplifting” and was sentenced to a diversion program. Because she did not complete the diversion program, she was arrested and faced 75 days in jail.

Wolf said 75 days in jail was ridiculous and instead noted that the African woman had already served 3 days in jail. Wolf then charged the woman a fine of $100.

If the judge were honest, she would have noted that the African woman being kidnapped and brought to court to face bogus shoplifting charges was ridiculous.

If Wolf was truly compassionate, she would have noted that Africans were the ones that were stolen from an entire different continent, forced to live in inhumane conditions, and then forced to stand trial for taking back their own resources.

The judge even had the audacity to give the African woman a phony apology after blaming her for the predicament that she was in.

Wolf snidely said, “The fact that you’re in custody is your fault. But once you were arrested, the rest of this is completely inhumane and unacceptable and I’m very sorry that you had to go through this.”

The fact that the African sister was in custody at all was because she is a colonized subject––as all Africans are colonized across the entire globe.

Black Community Control of the Courts!

In order to overturn the parasitic system that feeds on African people and African resources worldwide, we must fight for control over our own lives.

For over 600 years, Africans have been the colonized subjects of white power.

Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), writes in his book, An Uneasy Equilibrium: The African Revolution Versus Parasitic Capitalism, “As African Internationalists we recognize that the basis of our struggle is the European attack on Africa, the forced dispersal and colonialization of untold millions of its inhabitants and the creation of artificial borders used to facilitate the alienation of Africans from each other, from our resources and from our national identity.”

No more! The APSP has a blueprint of how to put power into the hands of African people worldwide.

The Uhuru Movement has been extremely successful at building a revolutionary movement for over 40 years.

Africans will be free! Join the Uhuru Movement!

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