The devastation caused by the colonialvirus, also known as COVID-19, to the African community in Philadelphia has been staggering.
The number of confirmed cases among Africans has been disproportionately high.
At the time of this writing, Africans made up 50 percent of the confirmed cases in Philadelphia.
Of the total number of confirmed cases among all Philadelphians thus far, 495 were hospitalized and 45 have died.
According to Health Commissioner Thomas Farley, Africans make up 35 percent of deaths due to the colonialvirus. The numbers are escalating daily.
It has also been reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer that “[…]higher poverty rates among racial minorities in the Philadelphia region make […]quality health care less accessible.”
Despite already knowing that Africans bear the full weight of imperialism in all its manifestations, we wanted to learn more about the specific treatment of Africans in the healthcare system due to COVID-19.
What is happening to the Africans who do manage to gain access to healthcare facilities in the city of Philadelphia as the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic deepens?
We searched for a healthcare professional to whom we could pose the question.
We needed someone who has access to first-hand observation within the Philadelphia hospital system and was also willing to give honest and candid insight as to the treatment of Africans during this pandemic.
We found an African nurse (who asked that their identity and location remain anonymous), willing to speak to us about what they have observed.
They had this to say: “It’s a war zone in here [referring to the hospital where they work].
“There was a black patient who a white nurse accused of refusing an antibiotic when the truth is that she really didn’t want to help the lady.
“Because of that, the doctor told the nurse that she only needed to check the patient’s vitals every 24 hours.”
Our source then pointed out that the African patient was non-verbal, so refusal of the medication was highly unlikely. “I gave the patient, whose oxygen level was 54 percent, an oxygen mask which raised her levels to 90 percent.
“That poor woman was denied care by the white nurse because she was scared to go into her room. But the patient was suffering.
“Black people are being ignored and unnecessarily left to die.”
This was just one patient.
How many African patients are being intentionally denied the care that the hospital staff has taken an oath to provide?
How many African patients are dying because white power decides who lives and who dies?
There’s no data to answer this question.
The fear for her life that the white nurse experienced is the norm for African people who face colonial oppression and death on a daily basis.
Make no mistake that the imperialist-imposed bioweapon that is the colonialvirus is an act of war against the African community!
Only The People’s War Commission formed by the African People’s Socialist Party and led by the All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) is on the ground with the specific intent to protect and govern the African community against the COVID-19 pandemic.
For health and protection protocols and/or if you are a medical professional who would like to volunteer on the AAPDEP COVID-19 health board, please visit
“The more…we expose the ineptitude and irrelevancy [it] negates the authority of the government [so that] we have the authority on our own.” – Chairman Omali Yeshitela