African Liberation Day 2017 “The Road to Liberation: 45 Years of African Resistance”


WASHINGTON, D.C.––African Liberation Day 2017 will mark the 45th anniversary of the founding of our African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the first African Liberation Day mobilization in the United States. During this period, our Party has stood as the vanguard revolutionary Party of Africans worldwide. For us, ALD has never been simply a celebration, but a means to push forward the struggle to free Africa and African people around the world. 

We boldly proclaim that, “since our inception in 1972, our Party has functioned as the primary custodian of the African Liberation struggle. We have summed up all the lessons and contradictions of our revolutionary Movement to reunite the African nation and liberate and unite Africa and African people worldwide under the leadership of the African working class.”

It was the APSP that scientifically explained the counterinsurgency that militarily crushed the Black Revolution of the 1960s.

African Liberation Day 1986 took place after neocolonial mayor, Wilson Goode, dropped a bomb on the MOVE organization in Philadelphia killing eleven people including five children. The black working class was left demoralized and many MOVE supporters were forced underground. That year, the Party held African Liberation Day in Philadelphia under the banner, “Philadelphia, Reinforcement on the Way!”

As our Chairman Omali Yeshitela explains, “Our Party has the benefit of a 45-year-old history of genuine revolutionary struggle, through which we have acquired experience and an unmatched level of political maturity.”

Through African Internationalism our Party had predicted the ascendency of a force like Barack Obama whom we knew was white power in black face. It was in 2008 that our Party held an African Liberation Day themed, “The Ballot or the Bullet Revisited: Is Barack Obama Black Power?” where we held a forum with even those who opposed our views on Obama’s significance. Since then we have maintained that Obama is a neocolonial force who was used as a tool against the black community to help solve the crisis of imperialism.

While Obama was selected as president to give imperialism the face of the oppressed around the world, the election of Donald Trump shows that this did not succeed.

It shows that imperialism is on its death bed, where two of the most hated candidates in the history of elections were selected by the two white ruling class parties and over 100 million people did not vote at all. This show the legitimacy of the system itself is being questioned by the masses of people in the country as a whole. If people don’t believe in the system their is no way for the State to rule unilaterally.

The task of the African People’s Socialist Party is to lead Africans toward independence and our Party has intentions to govern a free and united Africa.

Through African Liberation Day celebrations the APSP shows its true international character that although we are a dispersed nation, we are one nation. It was the Party that brought the first African Liberation Day celebration to Paris, France. 

African Liberation Day in Washington, D.C. will not be the only celebration of our glorious Party. ALD celebrations will take place in Paris, France that will undoubtedly bring Africans throughout Europe to continue to forward the revolutionary aims of the African Socialist International in its party-building efforts in Europe.

African Liberation Day 2017 will begin with a parade through the oppressed working class community in Anacostia and a rally to be held the the historic Union Temple Baptist Church. Join us in celebrating our magnificent Party and 45 years of paving the road to liberation! RSVP today! Contact us at 202.642.4672 to join our committee and find out more info! 

Forward to African Liberation!

Long Live the African People’s Socialist Party!

We will win! We are Winning!




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