When we hear of a “Youth Retreat” most words that come to mind are “fun, relaxation and learning (something new).” However, this is no ordinary retreat.
It is geared toward the children in our African communities and is an opportunity to give parents and children, who have little to no time or resources, a chance to learn more about self-determination and revolutionary theory through practice.
It also provides All African People's Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) the opportunity to bring together parents, teachers, organizers, activists and leaders within our community in a consorted effort to engage with our children, in order to teach them the much needed survival and development skills.
For quite some time, this has been an interest of AAPDEP.
So, we are happy to introduce the AAPDEP's Youth Survival and Development Retreat that is taking place from July 15-17, 2011, as part of the wider St. Petersburg Summer Project, which is being held from July 9-August 9, as a way to make this vision a reality.
Uhuru Movement forces from all over the U.S. and around the world are coming together to work on the much needed projects within the African community in the city of African resistance aka St. Petersburg, FL.
AAPDEP’s Youth Survival and Development Skills Retreat will be held at Oscar Scherer State Park in Osprey, FL, just one hour south of the St. Petersburg Summer Project location – the St. Pete Uhuru House.
AAPDEP views the responsibility to inform our children about their expectations and roles in the community as vital to our survival.
We strengthen our ability as a community dedicated toward self-sufficiency and self-determination by imparting these skills and knowledge from as early as possible. We will be teaching our youth survival skills in the wilderness.
Many of the youth have never experienced being in a wooded environment or camping before, so this will be a chance to introduce activities such as hiking, cooking by campfire, basic navigation skills and swimming.
There will also be workshops on water purification and wildlife/plant viewing and education. This retreat will help empower black youth by developing leadership skills that they can use for now or in the future.
We are accepting registration for interested parents and children from as early as 5 years old to 18 years of age.
Any interested parent/guardian/individual who would like to take part in AAPDEP’s inaugural “Youth Survival and Development Skills Retreat” should visit AAPDEP’s website (http://developmentforafrica.org/).
We have opportunities for individuals who would not be able to participate but who unite with the responsibilities of AAPDEP; they can help provide the resources to make our first and long-awaited retreat a success and also make it possible for children to attend by sponsoring their cost for attending the retreat.
It costs $40.00 per child to attend the retreat. We want to see the African community supporting the legacy of the African family and there is no better way than to invest our time, resources and knowledge to it.
Visit http://www.aapdep.org/retreat.shtml for more information on how to DONATE! | REGISTER! | SPONSOR A CHILD!