Uhuru Tours presents Chairman Omali Yeshitela 2015 Worldwide Tour

ST PETERSBURG, FL–Uhuru Tours and Speakers Bureau is launching Chairman Omali Yeshitela’s 2015 worldwide tour targeting the U.S., Canada, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean, with the slogan, “Presenting African Internationalism to the world.”
The Chairman’s upcoming tour itinerary follows on the heels of his extremely busy speaking schedule for 2014, carried out in the thick of struggle as worldwide crisis deepens.
The Chairman, with his electrifying vision of a united and liberated Africa led by the African working class,  tirelessly conveyed to audiences everywhere the urgency of revolutionary organizing in this period when imperialist power has been visibly weakened by the resistance of oppressed peoples everywhere.
The Chairman, during this past year, convened the African People’s Socialist Party’s five day Sixth Congress, published his newest book, “An Uneasy Equilibrium: The African Revolution versus Parasitic Capitalism” and headed up the Party’s month-long Cadre Intensive in July, hosting Africans and supporters from around the world.
The Chairman spoke at universities in Florida and Maryland, in 2014, as well. He was also the keynote presenter at the Minnesota Malcolm X Conference and the African Liberation Day events in Washington, DC and Paris, France.
The Chairman presided over the annual Black is Back Coalition conference in August and the historic “Peace through Revolution" mobilization in Washington, DC, November 1-2 that has sparked the imaginations of the masses!
Notably, the Chairman spent several weeks in Ferguson, MO this year following the police murder of 18-year-old Mike Brown and the subsequent militant uprising of African youth and the entire community.
The Chairman’s daily video Facebook postings summing up the struggle from the streets of Ferguson went viral, during his stay in Missouri.
The Chairman’s newly published book, “An Uneasy Equilibrium,” based on his political report to the Sixth Congress, holds the key to the national liberation victories of African and oppressed peoples around the world and will be promoted during Uhuru Tours 2015 events.
Uhuru Tours will also launch a speakers’ bureau featuring Party and movement leaders Secretaries General Gaida Kambon and Luwezi Kinshasa, Dr. Aisha Fields, Director of the All-African People’s Development and Empowerment Program (AAPDEP) and Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee, in 2015.
Bring the Chairman and other Party speakers to your campus or city!
Please contact us by email at info@uhurutours.com or call us at 727.537.9723. The Uhuru Tours website, www.uhurutours.com, will be up by Dec. 15, 2014.


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