Uhuru comrades!
African Internationalism is our political theory, and that of the African working class, the most consistently revolutionary social force since the advent of parasitic capitalism. It is this scientific political theory that has saved you, the members of the African People’s Socialist Party from the ideological trappings of philosophical idealism that has so much characterized the African Liberation Movement for decades.
South Africa is a battlefield, one from which the colonized African masses has endured many blows and damning attacks from the enemy forces. On a weekly basis tens and hundreds of African working class people are killed either by the State police force in uniform or by conditions manufactured by the very foreign entity meant to keep us from attaining our freedom and happiness.
Week in week out, we read newspapers, watch screen reports and hear from the radio open slanders against the suffering people of the townships, swatta-camps, dilapidated flats and neglected villages. These overt vulgar bourgeois opinions by our class and national enemies have not sufficiently been met with a serious opposing narrative that speaks from the viewpoint of the toiling colonized masses.
The Azania Weekly Rap is the fight for the narrative. The reality of the South African situation is that while we are physically building structures in contention with the war machinery of our imperialist and neo-colonial enemies we are also engaged in the battle of ideas. Therefore, as part of advancing our revolutionary program on the ideological and political front we have to use this platform to build the confidence of our members and that of the colonized African people whom we represent.
The aforementioned rattling battle of ideas, and for Africa’s survival and prosperity is happening in an ever developing and fast changing world characterized by the uneasy equilibrium between the past of slavery and the future of a free Africa as Chairman Omali Yeshitela described it in his 2013 political report to the 6thCongress of our Party.
This is an opportunity for us, the cadre and Party members to be able to move into the people and disseminate the often concealed brutal nature of the South African settler colonial State. However, while we do this dissemination, we cannot forget that the people are the ones who are most familiar with this brutal force. Despite lacking the theoretical wherewithal to see the hand of the White man in our daily misery, the people have the lived experience of this misery nevertheless.
“Power is in the hands of the African working class, but not in the heads of the African working class.” Chairman Omali Yeshitela has made a call for all revolutionary forces to get their boots and thinking caps on and do what it takes to finally put the power in the heads of the African working class. Without this, there cannot be an African Revolution.
The Azania Weekly Rap will be published on a weekly basis. Every Friday I will release this report on the current political trends, topics and concerns that relate to how South Africa being a colonial entity denies us the right to freedom, peace and self-determination.
South Africa is not our country. We are not South Africans; we are Africans and our obligation is to each other as colonized masses and not to this country that is only a cancer on the body of mama Africa as our comrade SG Asa often describes.
In this weekly publication, you can also expect comments on global events since, well, even though we fight from a strategic location as a front, there is not necessarily going to be a South African revolution that will somehow see us enjoy victory without the global defeat of imperialism.
Visit the African People’s Socialist Party – Occupied Azania Facebook page to receive this weekly publication every Friday.
Build to win!
Vanguard Up!
The Azania Weekly Rap – Introduction