Take Africa for Africans, Those at Home and Abroad: Join us for African Liberation Day May 25-26 in Washington D.C.

This is the call to action for the 2019 African Liberation Day (ALD) Saturday and Sunday May 25 and 26 in Washington, DC.

The 47th annual ALD mobilization taking place in this time of the people’s resistance and imperialist crisis demands that we seize this moment to take back and self-govern Our Africa and all our resources.

We have no choice but to unite our suffering African people around the world under the banner of socialism and destroy this brutal white power system once and for all!

Join in this African Liberation Day empowering the African working class to mobilize, to fight and to win!

African Liberation Day 2019 is sponsored by the African People’s Socialist Party which has built revolutionary organization led by the African working class on the ground throughout the world for nearly 50 years!

Comrades, Sisters and Brothers, we have the tools to win and we are winning!

Since our founding in 1972 our Party has fought relentlessly to complete the Black Revolution of the 60s which was defeated by the U.S. government’s counterinsurgency that assassinated and imprisoned our leaders and destroyed our organizations not only in the U.S., but in Africa and the Caribbean.

When our people’s movement was destroyed, our communities destabilized by U.S. government-imposed drugs and a drug economy, our Party was there leading the way for the African working class.

Over more than four decades we have built the infrastructure of the liberated African economy and we have won dual power. We have fought every struggle in the name of the African working class against U.S. colonial violence.

We have fought for, defined, popularized and are actually winning reparations! We held the first International Tribunal on Reparations for African People in New York in 1982, basing the trial on the internationally recognized right of a colonized people to take our struggle to the world court.

We have shown that the very late recognition by the Democratic and Republican parties of our  historical demand for reparations is nothing more than political opportunism and an attempt to co-opt the movement and keep the African nation divided. 

With our political theory of African Internationalism we have scientifically investigated the basis of the reparations demand and proved that the assault on Africa, the kidnapping of African people as the first commodities of capitalism, six hundred years of our stolen labor, the theft of Africa’s life, land and resources, the theft of our intellectual property, culture and genius is the foundation of the entire capitalist system and the basis for the wealth, power and life of white power and the entire white population.

Imperialism owes us every damn thing it has and reparations must be a revolutionary demand!

We have proved that our condition wherever we are is due to colonialism, the political and economic occupation of a whole people by a foreign and alien state power for profit. The colonial domination of African people is facilitated by a vicious, traitorous neocolonial class that sells out its own people for its own gain.

We have built an iron-clad socialist party of cadre forces made up of the best sons and daughters of Africa that functions on democratic centralism guaranteeing the interests of the African working class as the centerpiece of Our Revolution.

Sisters and Brothers, wherever African people have been forcibly dispersed around the world by white power we must be part of a united plan to win our liberation.

Inside the U.S. domestic colony we are resisting mass imprisonment, state sponsored kidnapping of African children, gentrification, imposed poverty and white violence in the U.S.

Throughout Africa we are rising up in struggle in the face of brutal poverty and mass slaughter by imperialist proxy forces to facilitate the theft of trillions of dollars of our resources. We are fighting military occupation by the U.S. Africa Command and others who are carrying out their “African plans” at our people’s expense.

In Haiti African people continue to struggle as  U.S. imperialism does everything possible to terrorize and oppress our people ever since we first won our liberation from France in 1804.

In South America, the people of Venezuela, including African people, are organizing and fighting against the U.S. imperialist, political, economic and military attempt to overthrow the people’s government.

Today the rising resistance of African people shows a powerful trend to identify as one African nation, forcibly dispersed throughout the world and rejecting imperialist imposed borders. We are increasingly conscious that ours is a common destiny!

Comrades, Sisters and Brothers, we must fight all efforts by white power to threaten the unity of the African nation. 

From the streets of Haiti to the townships outside Johannesburg; from the north side of St. Louis to East Oakland and South St. Petersburg. From London to Paris, from Cameroon to Kenya, we are one; we are fighting; we are winning.

African Liberation Day 2019 will be more than a celebration of Our Africa; it will train and empower African workers to struggle on every front.

Opening Saturday, May 25 with a parade through the oppressed working class community of Anacostia, ALD activities will include culture, vending and presentations at the historic Union Temple Baptist Church. 

At the Stuart Center on Sunday, May 26 our program will highlight current strategies for liberation that incorporate developing African working class leadership, raising up the concerns of African women as part of the Revolution, developing our own capacity to feed clothe and house ourselves, using skills acquired in bourgeois institutions to benefit the African masses, as well as a demonstration of what practical reparations work looks like.

RSVP today at africanliberationday2019.eventbrite.com ! Contact us at 202-642-4672 to join our committee and find out more info!

Forward to African Liberation!
We will win! We are Winning!


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