In the midst of crisis and conflict around the world, the African People’s Solidarity Committee (APSC) is convening a national conference to “Stop America’s Colonial Wars – Inside the U.S. and Around the World”, set to take place January 10-12, 2009 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Uhuru News and Uhuru Radio will carry the live broadcast live on Sunday and Monday.
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Please also see the Conference Program
Dedicated to organizing white solidarity with the African liberation movement, the APSC raises funds and political support for the human rights campaigns and black community programs of the Uhuru Movement in cities throughout the U.S. The conference will provide an opportunity for organizers from throughout the U.S. to assess the rapidly changing global political climate and develop strategies for building solidarity from the white community with the growing international movement to overturn the legacy of slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism.
According to APSC Chairwoman Penny Hess, “As we saw in Copenhagen, peoples throughout the world are declaring that the escalating problems they face originate from the plunder of their resources by Europe and America. The parasitic white capitalist economy was built and is maintained on the stolen resources of Africa and African people. But today, the liberation struggles of African and oppressed peoples are rising up again and sweeping the world. White people who want an end to the colonial wars, waged inside this country and abroad, have a role to play. We must return the stolen wealth of Africa and join the peoples of the world in righteous resistance to imperialism!”
The January conference is open to the public. African Socialist International Chairman and Uhuru Movement founder Omali Yeshitela will deliver the keynote address, entitled, “A New Day: Beyond Protest to a Genuine Anti-Imperialist Movement Struggling for Power”. A veteran organizer for African liberation with roots in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, Yeshitela will discuss the relationship of international resistance movements to the global capitalist economic crisis. Having completed successful organizing tours this year in East and West Africa, Yeshitela will discuss his organization’s strategy for dissolving the colonially imposed state borders and forming a single continental African government.
The conference will feature educational sessions on “The Colonial Police State and Counterinsurgency”, “Why We Are Socialists”, and “Colonialism, National Liberation and Solidarity”, as well as practical workshops on grassroots organizing and fundraising. Presentations will be made by Gaida Kambon and Ironiff Ifoma, both long-time members of the Central Committee of the African People’s Socialist Party, who embody the tradition of women’s leadership in the Uhuru Movement.
APSC Chairwoman Penny Hess’ presentation will explain why “it’s colonialism, not racism” at the root of the oppression of African people in the U.S. and around the world. “We call on white people who are seeking change today to join in solidarity with the anti-imperialist resistance movement under the leadership of the African revolution.”
To register or get more information about the January 10-12, 2010 Conference, visit or call (U.S.) 727-683-9949